File Manager for Psion computers
Version 1.00 March, 29, 1997
Copyright (c) Konstantin Saliy, 1996-97
Brief history
I started to write this program in the May, 1996. The primary intention
was to make a file manager with support of Ranger Disk, 3.5" floppy
drive with serial interface. Its name -- RShell -- means exactly
"Ranger Shell". It was almost ready, but then I didn't find potential
users, and launching of Cyclone drive in June killed this idea.
I almost dropped this project, but then was told by some people who
downloaded this program from my Web site that they like some ideas and
found RShell useful as a file manager. To continue improvement RShell,
I had to disable RD support at all.
Now it became powerful file manager with some unique features. Maybe
one day I'll restore RD support, because all in all I have that device.
Due to lack of spare time I was writing RShell too slow. As a side
effect its name became well known, so I decided not to rename RShell.
I didn't implement all the ideas from my to-do list in the first public
release. I'll continue development and hope you will like it and wait
for new versions.
RShell is protected by Russian copyright laws and international treaty
Full ownership rights to RShell are the exclusive property of
Konstantin Saliy, RShell author.
Conditions of use
NO WARRANTY AT ALL. Although it was tested during more than 6 month, I
take no responsibility on any possible damages or data loss. The entire
risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you.
RShell is shareware program. You may evaluate it during 30 days, but if
you'll continue use it after 30 days period, you must register it.
You may copy and distribute copies of RShell in the same form as you
receive it, without any files being removed, altered or added. You may
not copy it in any other form. See Installation chapter for the list of
files in the RShell package.
Unregistered version has only one restriction: some commands (copy,
move, rename, change file attributes) work only on one panel (right for
vertical orientation). You always able to delete files and format disks
on both panels. Registered users will receive a code which will unlock
disabled functions.
Please, read the section "How to register" below if you like this
program and want to register it.
Basic features
File Manager' screen has a header and 2 windows (panels) each of which
shows you file list of any local (A,B,C,M,ROM) drive, remote disks on
the IBM PC, connected with 3Link. You can walk through directory tree,
make directories, copy, rename, delete files and directories, format
disks, run applications. You may search for files using many criteria.
Any file or directory on local disks (excluding ROM) may have a comment
up to 255 characters long. Copy and move operations will preserve
comments, delete command deletes comments as well.
It requires about 40Kb free RAM with default settings and depends on
your preferences (maximum number of files and cache size).
It was written using assembler and operating system calls instead of
OPL operators which made it fast.
It is compatible and was tested with Psion Series 3a, 3c and Siena. I'd
recommend to use horizontal panel orientation on Siena if you need to
see file attributes.
It is compatible in most cases with Cyclone drive. The only reported
problem (and I don't know how to make it work) is to format DS/DD
floppy (720K) which was unformatted or totally erased before. When you
copy or move files and there is no enough free space, RShell gives you
opportunity to insert new disk and continue, and will preserve
directory structure. It makes more easy e.g. to backup large Flash SSD
to floppies.
Warning about ROM drive on Siena
All versions of Siena I saw have more than one SYS$CTRY.CFO file in the
ROM, i.e. more than one (I saw up to 4) file with the same name. If you
will e.g. copy either of them, only first file will be copied, and I
couldn't prevent it.
Warning for non-English users
RShell has an ability to search for files which contain a string. Then,
when you launch built-in text editor (Word, Program editor or any other
alias of Word application) for a found file, RShell sends "Find"
command to Word with this search string. On most language versions of
Psion RShell sends this command directly. But on some versions (e.g.
Sweden or Dutch S3a) RShell sends key sequence to navigate to this
command using menu. If you'll start pressing keys just after editor's
window appeared, you may make changes to the file.
The logic to determine whether to use a command or menu access method
does not depend on particular language code, so I couldn't tell you
which way RShell will work on your computer.
RShell comes as a ZIP archive with 3 files:
RSHELL.OPA - application file.
RSHELL.HLP - online help file.
README.TXT - this file.
Copy RSHELL.OPA into \APP\ directory and install its icon from the
System screen usual way.
If you need online help, copy RSHELL.HLP file supplied into
\APP\RSHELL\ directory on the same drive.
Menu commands
Copy (Psion-C) copy file or directory under cursor or
tagged files. You can rename files while copy.
(Psion-Shift-C) asks for the destination directory.
If it does not exists, it will be created.
Rename (Psion-N) rename file or directory under cursor or
tagged files.
Move (Psion-M) move file or directory under cursor or
tagged files into another directory. Move files
across disks is exactly copy and then delete.
(Psion-Shift-M) asks for the destination directory.
If it does not exists, it will be created.
Info (Psion-I) display information about a file. You may
add a comment (up to 255 characters long) to any file
or directory.
View (Psion-V) view contents of the file under cursor.
Implemented only for Psion bitmap files, regardless
of extension. For directory this command shows
Edit (Psion-E) runs text editor (not Word processor) for a
file under cursor.
Attributes (Psion-Shift-A) change attributes for a file,
selected files, directory itself or all files in the
directory. To change attributes for specified files
in a directory tree, place cursor to the "Parent Dir"
Date/time stamp (Psion-Shift-S) change date/time stamp for a file,
selected files, directory itself or all files in the
directory. To change stamp for specified files in a
directory tree, place cursor to the "Parent Dir"
Make (Psion-Q) create new directory. On any local disk you
can create directory tree with a single command (e.g.
Compare (Psion-O) compare two directories. Then in each
directory some files may be tagged: either newer
versions of existing files or new files.
Copy (Psion-C) copy file or directory under cursor or
tagged files.
(Psion-Shift-C) asks for the destination directory.
If it does not exists, it will be created.
Rename (Psion-N) rename file or directory under cursor or
tagged files.
Move (Psion-M) move file or directory under cursor or
tagged files into another directory. Move files
across disks is exactly copy and then delete.
Info (Psion-I) display information about a directory. You
may add a comment (up to 255 characters long) to any
file or directory.
Select disk (Psion-D) selects a disk for the active panel.
(Psion-Shift-D) selects a disk for the inactive
Re-read (Psion-R) use this command when disk was changed or
if file system was changed by another application.
Find file (Psion-F) finds files by some criteria. "Hexadecimal
string" means a string of pairs of hexadecimal digits
without separator (e.g. "0D0A" represents CR and LF
codes) To set advanced search options, select
"Advanced options" string and press Enter. Then you
may press Esc if you don't want to use advanced
Name disk (Psion-Shift-N) change volume label for the current
Format (Psion-Shift-F) format disk. As usually, all files
will be destroyed during format operation.
Info (Psion-Shift-I) display some information about a
disk. For Flash SSD, it calculates free space, which
will be available if you backup files, format SSD and
then restore files. It does not count disk space,
recoverable by compressing Data and Agenda files.
Note that sometimes it can be less than the current
free space. For RAM disks allocation unit size is
Edit New (Psion-Shift-E) creates new text file.
Swap panels (Psion-W) exchange panel places.
Set preferences (Psion-P) runs preference menu (see below).
Zoom in (Psion-Z) increases font size.
Zoom (Psion-Shift-Z) decreases font size.
Remote link (Psion-L) switches remote link on and off. With
remote link switched on, remote disks can be
accessed. Only PC remote file system is supported.
Note: you can switch remote link on and off from
System screen as well. This is only replacement for
easy access.
About (Psion-A) displays copyright information, my e-mail
Exit (Psion-X) exits File Manager. Use it instead of
Psion-Esc, if possible.
General select sort criteria, confirmations, maximum numbers
of files to be shown in a directory etc.
Display various options to display data in panels.
Associations you can associate up to 4 applications with a given
pattern. Association for "*.*" is used only if there
is no other record for that file. Special value '*'
for application means that the file itself is an
application and should be run.
You may add a comment to any file type. It will be
shown as default comment for that file type in the
File Info (Psion-I) dialog.
Search path file manager looks for application to run on the
disks A, B, M, C (in this order) in the directories
in the search path. Default value is "\APP\". Use ';'
as delimiter. Do not forget to specify trailing '\'
in the directory name.
Hot key set a hot key to bring the file manager to
foreground. Any letter with any modifiers can be
chosen, but this key combination will be disabled to
other applications. E.g. if Psion-A is set as hot
key, no application will recognize it as a menu short
Save options Saves preferences.
Found File
Almost all menu items are the same as above.
Jump to (Psion-J) returns to File Manager and makes the file
under cursor the current.
Save list (Psion-S) saves list of files found into a text file.
Set preferences (Psion-P) only one option is available now: whether
to send "Find" command to a editor that was started
with found file.
Exit Find (Psion-X) returns to File Manager.
Other keys
Delete deletes file or directory under cursor or selected
Shift-arrows switches tag mark of the current file and moves
Space switches tag mark of the current file.
Tab/Diamond switches between panels.
Enter goes inside subdirectory under cursor or runs a file.
'+', '-' tags/untags files using pattern.
'*' inverts selection.
\ Jump to the root directory.
Control-Up Jump to the parent directory.
Help Online help.
Control-Help Help Index.
Left, Right scrolls file attributes window.
To fast scroll to a file you need you can start to type its name. If
you don't remember a letter in the file name, type '?' to replace it.
To remove text cursor, press Esc. To jump to the next matching name,
press Control-arrow down.
Useful notes
To interrupt copying or deleting file or group of files press Esc while
copy/delete in progress. You may have to press Esc quickly several
times if copying of a directory tree is in progress.
Copy, Move, Delete, Info commands can be used with special "Parent Dir"
Pattern may contain wildcards ('*' or '?') or may not. To rename
selected files you must use wildcards in the pattern so that resulting
file names will be unique.
You can define up to 4 associations with a pattern to use when you
press Enter, Control-Enter, Shift-Enter or Psion-Enter. File manager
searches for first fit pattern and use its associations regardless of
whether they are defined or not. The only exception is *.* pattern
which is applied last.
The symbol '*' has a special meaning when it is entered as the first
character in any field for associated applications. It means that a
file itself is an application and should be run. This is the default
value e.g. for *.APP and *.IMG patterns.
Some .IMG files (e.g. UNZIP.IMG) requires special for of command line,
as for DOS and Unix programs. You may specify these parameters after
the '*' symbol, using at least 1 space as separator. See default
settings for *.ZIP as an example.
As an application, you may specify its name with or without extension,
with full or partial path. If there is no extension, RShell tries APP,
OPA, ALS, IMG, OPO in this order. If there is no drive, it tries ROM,
A, B, M, C in this order. If there is no full (from the root) directory
name, it searches in the directories from Set preferences/Search path
For instance, if you want to run HexView (my hexadecimal viewer/editor)
for any file by pressing Psion-Enter, and its full path is
LOC::M:\APP\HEXVIEW.OPA, you may type either from
and many other combinations on the appropriate line for pattern "*.*"
and all other patterns.
If your application is in a non-standard directory (e.g.
\APP\READCIS\JBCIS.APP -- CompuServe reader) you may enter
for a corresponding pattern (e.g. MAIL*.OUT for outgoing mails).
If you have typed a comment for a pattern, it will be used as default
for all files that satisfy this pattern and have no comments (see
Comments below).
UNZIP.IMG is special case of associated application -- RShell produces
a dialog box before run it, where you may specify other command line
parameters and a target directory.
What does Directory Info show?
Every file occupies more space on a disk then its exact size, and disk
space required to keep a file depends on disk type, file size and other
On any disk type, some space is required to keep information about a
file -- its name, size, attributes etc.
On the Internal disk and RAM SSD disk space is allocated by fixed size
units, so called "clusters". You may see cluster size in the Disk/Info
dialog. With cluster size 512 bytes, a 513 bytes long file occupies
1024 bytes, i.e. 2 clusters.
On the Flash SSD disk space is allocated by variable length portions,
less than 64Kb each. Every portion has a header which require
additional space.
Directory/Info dialog shows you how much space this directory tree
require to be copied to different types of disks, assuming that there
is no directories with the same name and no destination files will be
On the Internal disk or RAM SSD required space is less if one or more
files will be overwritten. On any disk required space is less if
directory or one or more subdirectories already exist.
Using File/Info or Directory/Info menu commands you may add a comment
up to 255 characters long to any file or directory on any local (M, A,
B and C) drive. At the time of writing, disk C is accessible for
writing (and thus for comments) only if it is Cyclone floppy drive.
In the Set preferences/Display menu dialog turn 'Show file comments' to
'Yes' to see your comments while browsing disks. With this option,
RShell will show comments in the appropriate corner if you highlighted
an entry and didn't press any key more than a second.
Turn 'Sync file info' to 'Yes' (menu Set preferences/General) if you
want RShell to keep comments with files during copying, moving,
renaming, and delete them with files and directories. This option slows
down such operations.
RShell does not copy file comments to remote disks. However, full
backup and then restore will copy comments data base file
(~dirinfo.~~~), one per disk, and thus keep them. Copy and Move
commands preserve comment for target file if a source file has no
RShell has predefined set of comments for some directories and file
types, and show them if you have no your own comments for that entry.
Hot key
You may choose virtually any combination of a key from the main
keyboard and Control, Shift, Psion modifiers in any combination to
bring File Manager to the foreground. On Siena, 'Fn' modifier and
characters that required it are not supported yet. This can be done
from the Set preferences/Hot key menu:
1. Press a key or type a character in the 'Character' field.
2. Turn 'Psion', 'Control' and 'Shift' fields to 'Yes' if you need
to press them for the hot key chosen.
3. Turn 'Psion required' to 'Yes' if that character can not be
entered without pressing Psion key (e.g. '@').
4. Turn 'Enable' to 'Yes' and press Enter.
Note: if you have running more than one instances of RShell, only the
first started senses the hot key. RShell does not sense hot key if it
has menu bar or a dialog box active.
Configuration files
File manager keeps association information in the RSHELL.EXT file in
the \OPD\ directory, initially on the internal drive. It is plain Psion
Data file and you can edit it (e.g. to change order) with built-in Data
application or other data base tools, but it is not recommended.
File manager keeps all settings in the RSHELL.INI file in the \OPD\
directory, initially on the internal drive. Both RSHELL.INI and
RSHELL.EXT can be moved to \OPD\ directory on any drive using file
manager itself. File manager looks for these files on drives A, B, M in
this order every time to read or to update.
File manager keeps comments to files in ~DIRINFO.~~~ files in the root
directory on each drive. It is plain Psion Data file and you can edit
it (e.g. to change order) with built-in Data application or other data
base tools, but it is not recommended
If you have renamed or deleted files with associated comments from
another file manager or with disabled comment synchronization,
corresponding comments become superfluous. But then when you'll delete
any file or directory on the same disk from this file manager (even
with disabled comment synchronization!), these comments will be deleted
from ~DIRINFO.~~~ file.
Known bugs and limitations
Copy and Move commands don't check for free space on the destination
drive. Please, check it manually using Info commands for disks and
This application was not tested by me with Cyclone 3.5" floppy drive.
Please, let me know if you have any problems.
View directory statistics command presume, that Internal disk has
cluster size 256 bytes, RAM SSD -- 512 bytes, Flash SSD has 24-bit
references. In some cases this is not true and actual disk space
requirement may be larger or smaller.
Want to see my To Do list?
This list is provided "as is" without any promises to implement it, in
no order. Just to prevent multiple postings :-)
1. Launch panel.
2. File names only in multiple columns.
3. Text viewer.
4. File display filters.
5. Sort order (asc/desc)
6. Panel with all disks and volume labels.
7. Sort of associations.
How to register
RShell is a shareware program. You may use it for evaluation purpose
during 30 days period. Then you must either destroy it or register if
you like it and want to continue to use it.
I (living in Moscow, Russia) couldn't accept mails with cheques or
cash. I'm no longer CompuServe member and thus can't use SWREG service.
The best way to know how to register RShell is to e-mail me and ask.
Now you may register RShell via
1. CompuServe SWREG, ID=14997, registration fee is $25.
2. By sending a cheque to Michael Baas, PSIOLogic, in Germany.
Registration fee is 40 DM. Please send a cheque to the address below:
Taunusstrasse 4
D 63589 Linsengericht,
Please, make your cheque payable to Michael Baas.
Being Psion distributor in Germany, Michael Baas is able to accept
credit cards. You may call him +49 06051 470065 or e-mail:
Do not forget to notify me by e-mail about your registration via
collectors. I'll send you your registration code which will unlock all
the features disabled in the trial version then.
How to reach me
By e-mail:
Internet: <kis@aha.ru>
CompuServe: 106062,203
You may also visit my Web site <http://www.aha.ru/~kis/>. It always
contains latest versions of RShell and my other programs.
All comments, suggestions and even bug reports are welcome.
Please, use the word "RShell" (with possible additions) in the Subject
line of all mails about this program.
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