Readme File for Psion Series 3a Patience.
This application and all of the acompanying components are
copyright the author, Michael John Coe. This software is
distributed as is, the author makes no claim, implied or
otherwise as to its usefulness or suitability for any
particular purpose. Patience is Shareware. It may be
installed and used for a trial period of fourteen days.
If after this time you wish to continue use of the product
or continue to have the product installed on your system
then it is required to be registered with the author.
N.B. Reverse Translating or modifying any of the supplied
files is against the author's wishes and breaks this
Licence Agreement.
Installation Instructions
To install patience follow the steps outlined below:
1) Create a directory below the apps directory on any
drive named patience.
2) Copy the cards.pic file there.
3) Copy the patience.opa file to the app directory on
the *same* drive.
4) Choose install from the apps menu on the system
screen to install the patience icon.
Patience is now installed!
The Game
Once you have started the game, after various 'nags' you will
be presented with the main game screen. This consists of the
standard patience layout of cards on the left, three buttons,
a score/high score panel and three other panels containing
placeholders for cards. The left portion of the screen is
scrollable by pressing the Q and A keys to scroll up and down
respectively, this is to allow for the very long 'chains' of
cards that will be longer than the screen is high. The two
panels above the word 'Patience' are for aces and other removed
cards on the right, and your 'hand' and currently visible card
on the left. There is a cursor which starts off being placed on
the bottom card of the left hand column of cards. The cursor is
moved by pressing the arrow keys. The enter key is used to
select a card, when a card is selected an image of it is shown
in the panel at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
The selection is cleared by pressing the ESC key. To cycle
through your 'hand' move the cursor as far right as it will go
so that it is placed on the 'hand' and press enter, each press
will cycle through the cards three at a time.
Removing cards to the piles created on the aces
To remove a card you simply place the cursor over the card you
wish to remove and press the r key, if it is a legal move it
will be done.
Moving cards about
Moving cards is as easy as selecting the card you wish to move,
then moving to the card you wish to place it on top of and
pressing enter. If there are any cards below the card originally
selected they will move across too.
Blank Columns
Only Kings can be placed in a blank column. There seem to be a
few quarels over the rules of this point the above is the one
that I have settled for.
Online Help
Brief online help is available at any time during the game
(providing that no menus or dialogs are showing), this is accessed
by pressing the help key and choosing a topic from the dialog that
is shown.
Menu Options
Game Menu
New Game - Starts a new game.
Options - Brings up the options dialog (only option currently
available is scoring on/off).
Special Menu
About - Displays information about the program and
its author.
Registration Info - Displays registration information.
Exit - Quits the application.
Registration information will be shown automatically or can be
obtained by selecting the relevant menu option.
If you do not have access to a UK chequeing account contact the
author and the chances of a agreeing on method of payment are
extremely high!
I regret that all software distribution can only be made on 720K
3.5inch DOS formatted floppy diskette, or by binmail for CIX users.
Contacting the author
Do not hesitate to contact the author with any suggestions, bug
reports or enhancement ideas.
The author can be contacted in the following ways:
email: mcoe@cix.compulink.co.uk
snail mail: Michael Coe, Ville Lorraine, Claremont Road, St.Saviour,
Jersey, JE2 7RT, Channel Islands.
Above all: ENJOY!!!
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