
DATA (russian soft.lang.) Thanks for trying DATA for EPOC16. Program Details --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : DATA Version : 1.0 ( trial ) Language : Russian ( no need rus.driver ) Author : LevB EMail : WWW : URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Files included on disk --------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Directory DATA.APP \APP\ Sys$8087.ldd \APP\ lib.DYL,pr.DYL \DYL\ *.wdr \WDR\ *.fnt \RUS_FONT\ readMe.txt This file --------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Copy DATA.APP and Sys$8087.ldd to the \APP\ . - Copy *.DYL to the \DYL\ . - Copy *.FNT to the \RUS_FONT\ . - Copy *.WDR to the \WDR\ . - For install new app. press Psion+I - TEL3a If you are using PsiWin you may be prompted to convert the files being copied. You should not convert any of these files, just select the copy only option. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration. --------------------------------------------------------------------- RegNet You can register using the Internet RegNet system. Go to RegNet on uct.asp?ID=5143. On the RegNet opening page click on 'RegNet Index'. On that page click on 'By Author'. On this page scroll down until you come to my name 'Becker, Lev' and the Data link is below my name. The RegNet number is 5143 . The cost via RegNet is 20 US Dollars plus a handling fee of 5 US Dollars. RegNet #: 5143 This program can be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network. RegNet can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL: or by calling 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) or (805) 288-1827. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please register and support software development. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For more Series 3a/3c software, freeware and shareware, please see URL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU FIND A BUG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please report in as much detail as possible any bugs you find, but before doing so please check my homepage and make sure that you are using the latest version of this program, as the bug may have already been fixed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you for downloading DATA ( trial version ) Best regards, LevB


pilowar.isoColl/ → TEL3A.APP