
Hello This SNAPSHOT.ZIP file contains: README.TXT this file INSTALL.BAT an install batch file for RCOM SNAPSHOT.APP the SnapShot! application SnapShot! is a utility which takes a log of all of the files on your Series 3 at one point in time. At a later stage you can take a second log and then the SnapShot! utility can remove any files which have been added in the meantime. You may find it particularly useful if experi- menting with shareware. If you take a snapshot immediately before you install a new program and, later, you decide that you don't like the program (or there is a problem with it, SnapShot! will save you the task having to remember where all the files were (that you now have to erase). There is even an option to make SnapShot! remove itself ! SnapShot! works on both the Series 3a and the Series 3 (so called Classic). SnapShot! costs $10 to register and for that you get: - a full-feature version of the program - technical help via email - free updates when new features are added - free updates when problems are fixed To register, use GO SWREG on CompuServe using ID 11804 to identify SnapShot! The unregistered version does not support the option to confirm file and directory deletions but is complete in every other way. Install SnapShot! by running Psion RCOM and then typing INSTALL <Enter> for further directions. Reverse engineering is prohibited. If you want to know how I did something then just send me email and I'll send you a code fragment. To the best of my knowledge, SnapShot! is supplied in working order. There is no guarantee, either expressed or implied, as to the safety of your data while using this tool. Put simply you are advised to have a backup of your data in case anything goes wrong which results in the deletion of files. Send questions, by email, to the following address: Bye, ERD 1996 

