README file for Geni Version 1.20
(c) Martin Dunstan (mnd@dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk) February 16th, 1997
Idea and design: Vivienne S. Dunstan
Programming: Martin N. Dunstan
Browse genealogical (family tree) databases with ease.
(c) Martin N. Dunstan (mnd@dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk) February, 1997.
This application is shareware. You may use it to browse to 50 individuals
while unregistered. After this point the program will become unusable
(except to read the help information) until it is registered.
Geni will run on the Psion 3a, Psion 3c and Acorn Pocketbook II. Note
that the current version will NOT run on the Psion Siena.
* Databases stored in compact format e.g. 4000 individuals in 300K.
* Browse to parents, siblings, children or spouses via a few
easy-to-remember keypresses.
* Ancestral tree display (three or four generations visible).
* Zooming on tree display and an optional status window.
* View details of current individual and their marriages.
* Context-sensitive help as well as detailed help.
* Searching with wildcards.
* Remembers details of recently used databases.
This program is shareware - if you like it and wish to register your
copy please send 15 pounds (or whatever you feel the program is worth) in UK
currency (Sterling cheque or international bankers draft) to the address
below along with the name under which you want it registered (maximum of 60
characters). If you have an e-mail address please print it clearly and I
will e-mail your registration code to you, otherwise I will reply as soon
as possible via snail mail. If you wish I will notify you of any major
changes or bug fixes.
Martin Dunstan
1 Cupar Mills
Fife KY15 5EH
Geni is a fully-fledged genealogical database browser for the Psion 3a
and 3c. It is intended to be used by genealogists who maintain their
data on a computer such as a PC or Macintosh using a package designed
for the purpose. Users must be able to save their data in GEDCOM
format for Geni to work.
The databases used by Geni are very compact (usually half the size
of the GEDCOM from which they were created) allowing the user to
carry large databases on a small Psion without the need for extra
disks. These databases are created from GEDCOM files by RdGed, a
program which accompanies the Geni distribution.
Users are not expected to keep the Geni file completely up-to-date
with their central database but will recreate it when needed. The
ability to save information in GEDCOM format is required for the
creation of the Geni database file.
Quick Installation:
See the MANUAL.TXT file for a more detailed description on how to
install Geni. If you have never installed a third-party application
on your Psion or have a limited amount of memory please read the
instructions in that file.
The distribution files (GENI.OPA, GENI.HLP, GENI.PIC and RDGED.OPO)
can be installed on any drive. You can even split the distribution
over multiple drives (eg. GENI.OPA on A:, GENI.PIC on B: and GENI.HLP
on the internal drive) if you are short of memory.
(1) Create the following directories:
(2) Make sure that your transfer program regards .HLP files as
binary files and .GED files as plain text files.
(3) Copy:
Your GEDCOM file(s) into \GENI\GED
(4) Choose INSTALL from the system screen APP menu and install Geni.
(5) Run RdGed on each GEDCOM file to convert them into Geni files.
Once RdGed has finished converting the newly created files can
be used by Geni immediately. At the first dialog of RdGed you
should select the GEDCOM file to be converted and then press
ENTER. Type in a suitable name for your database at the second
prompt, press ENTER and wait for the conversion to finish.
After conversion you can remove the GEDCOM files and RDGED.OPO as well
as \GENI\GED if you created it. RdGed can read GEDCOM and write Geni
databases over the serial link - at either of the dialogs press the down
arrow and then use the left and right arrows to select the appropriate
drive. Unfortunately Geni doesn't like to access the databases over the
serial link so you must have them stored on the Psion somewhere, ideally
in \GENI.
The detailed help information is stored in the GENI.HLP file. If you
need a little extra space this file can be deleted and Geni will still
work although detailed help will be unavailable (context-sensitive help
is always available though). You can also delete the GENI.PIC file if
you want but then you will get a fairly boring title screen!
RdGed 1.11 Footprint:
System memory (running) ... 22K
User memory (running) ..... 13K
Application size .......... 15K
Total ..................... 48K
If large GEDCOM files are converted then some extra memory might
be needed for a lookup table. A database of 6000 records could
require an extra 64K of system memory.
Geni 1.20 Footprint (from DEMO.GED):
System memory (running) ... 25.0K
User memory (running) ..... 22.0K
Application size .......... 27.2K
Help database ............. 4.9K
Title screen .............. 7.1K
Resource file ............. 1.0K
Extra (detailed screen) ... 27.0K
Total ..................... 114.2K
The operating system requires some extra memory when opening new
Geni databases. This memory is released once the database has been
successfully opened. For a database of about 380K the extra memory
is about 20K.
Changes from version 1.00 to 1.10:
* Geni 1.10 runs far quicker than version 1.00.
* Much quicker when closing down.
* Databases incompatible with version 1.00
* Doesn't rely on the sex field for locating spouses.
* Requires less memory to use.
Changes from version 1.10 to 1.11
* RdGed uses non-recursive quick sort to save system memory.
* Search string only has a * wildcard at the end not at the
beginning as well.
Changes from version 1.11 to 1.20
* Geni searches drives M, A, B and C for its files but
creates its preferences file (1K in size) in M:\APP\GENI.
* Added zooming to allow tree display to show great-grandparents.
* Optional status window.
* Requires less memory to install and use.
No bugs have been found in this version although there must be some
lurking somewhere. If you do find any bugs or the program crashes
with a fatal error please let me know! Ideally I need to know the
exact circumstances under which the bug appears so try and restart
the program and replicate the bug using the least number of moves.
RdGed also seems to be free from bugs - if you find any please send
me a fragment of GEDCOM that is causing the problem. The program will
attempt to tell you which line it stopped at but it is probably best
to look at the lines immediately before and after it.
README file for Geni Version 1.20
(c) Martin Dunstan (mnd@dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk) February 16th, 1997
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