Xpenses for the Psion Series 3a/3c
Version Number | 1.5
Date released | 11 September 1997
Author | Simon Berridge
Email | SimonBerridge@compuserve.com
Homepage | http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/SimonBerridge
The complete program is enclosed on this disk, please install according to the following instructions.
1. Installation.
1.1 New Installation
Xpenses installation consists of two files:
Expenses.opa - the main application
Expns.rsc - the help file (optional)
Cv11-12.opo - data file conversion utility (pre V1.2 releases)
For a new installation do not copy the Cv11-12.opo file. This is enclosed for users of pre-V1.2 releases to convert their databases.
Copy the Expenses.opa file to your APP directory on the Psion.
Create a new directory on the Psion called EXPNS, then copy the Expns.rsc file to that new directory.
Install the Xpenses application by using Psion-I and then selecting Expense.opa.
Run the application. Please read the help file by pressing the "Help" button in the application.
1.2 Reinstallation
See section 1.3.
In the event that I have sent a new file to you (latest available version) please uninstall the Xpenses program (Psion-/) and delete the following files from the Psion:
\APP\SUPPORT.OPO (if installed)
Copy Expenses.opa to your APP directory.
Install the application using Psion-I.
Run the application.
1.3 Note to users upgrading from Versions 1.0 or 1.1
Enclosed is a utility entitled Cv11-12.opo.
If you are using a version of Xpenses prior to V1.2 (numbered 1.0 or 1.1) then install this utility in your OPO directory and run it prior to reinstalling the main application. This utility will convert your existing data file to the format required by V1.4.
Once the data has been converted then delete the Cv11-12.opo utility from your OPO directory.
2. Registration
2.1 Compuserve SWREG
Xpenses can be registered via the Compuserve SWREG system, the id number is 15263. The cost is 10 US Dollars. For that sum you will receive via email a password that can be entered from the Help menu (Register Xpenses). Once registered the 10 entry limit is removed and all functions are available to you.
2.2 Mail
If you prefer, please send a cheque in the sum of 10 UK Pounds via snail mail to the following address:
Simon Berridge
100 Seymour Park Road
If your cheque is in your local currency then please add the equivalent of 5 UK Pounds as this is the charge imposed on me for currency conversion.
2.3 RegNet
You can register using the Internet RegNet system. Go to RegNet on http://www.swregnet.com/regnet.htm. On the RegNet opening page click on 'RegNet Index'. On that page click on 'By Author'. On this page scroll down until you come to my name 'Berridge, Simon' and the Xpenses link is below my name.
The cost via RegNet is 10 US Dollars plus a handling fee of 5 US Dollars.
Please register and support software development.
3. Home Page
I now have a home page, accessed by http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/SimonBerridge.
I will keep the absolute latest version of Xpenses on this page at all times, so look there for upgrades, latest news etc.
4. Changes in this version
* Drill down feature added to the Views available.
* Some minor bugs and tidy-up.
Simon Berridge
email: SimonBerridge@compuserve.com
HomePage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/SimonBerridge
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