Release Notes for FaxIt 2.2
1.1 File Contents
1.2 Installing FaxIt
1.3 File Structure
1.4 Start FaxIt for the First Time
1.5 Upgrading from Previous Versions
2.1 Setting up the Printer Driver
2.2 Cabling
2.3 Fax Modems
2.4 Troubleshooting Modems
2.5 FaxIt Settings
3.1 How to Fax a Document
3.2 The FaxIt Main Screen
3.3 The Fax Details Window
3.4 The Diamond Menu
3.5 The Coversheet Editor
4.1 Disk Space
4.2 System Performance
5.1 Shareware
5.2 Terms and Conditions
5.3 Acknowledgements
6.1 Support
6.2 History
1.1 File Contents
The file FAXIT22.ZIP should contain the following files:
SETUP.OPO (Setup installation program)
FAXIT.CTL (FaxIt Setup control file)
COVERS.CTL (Coversheets Setup control file)
COVER1.CVS (Sample coversheet file)
UPGRADE.TXT (Notes for upgraders)
README.TXT (this file)
Refer to one of the following 2 sections depending on how you will be
copying the files to your Psion. Once the files have been copied across,
continue with section 1.5, Completing the Installation.
1.2 Installing FaxIt
You can use FaxIt's Setup program if a) you have unzipped the files
onto your Psion directly, or b) as long as you can establish a 'Link'
to another computer. In most cases, this means connecting to a PC
running PsiWin 2, PsiWin 1, RCOM or MCLINK. It should also work
with connections to PsiWin for Macintosh, or indeed anything which
can appear as remote drives (REM::) from the Psion 3a/3c.
If you are using a remote computer, firstly, set up the link. Connect
up the 3-Link cable, start the link on the host, and start Link on
the Psion (Psion-L).
Copy the program SETUP.OPO from where the FaxIt files are located to
the \OPO directory on any drive on your 3a/3c. How you do this will
depend on the Link software you are using. If you are using PsiWin,
remember to just 'Copy' the file and not 'Copy and Convert' it.
'Setup' should now appear under the RunOpo icon on your system screen.
Next, run 'Setup'. It will prompt you for a .CTL filename. Press <tab>
then browse to locate the FaxIt files where you will find FAXIT.CTL.
Select this file and press <RETURN>. Follow the directions of the Setup
program. The only decision you need to make is which Drive to install
the programs into. FaxIt is suitable for installation on Flash memory.
Installing Coversheets
FaxIt requires a data directory to keep day to day files in. This
is normally \FAXIT and may also be on any drive, even a different
drive to the programs. It is not suitable for Flash memory however.
The sample coversheets supplied with FaxIt should be put into this
data directory. To install the coversheets into this directory, use
the Setup program to browse to where you Unzipped the FaxIt files
and select COVERS.CTL as the file. You can then select the Data drive
to install them to.
1.3 File Structure
You may wish to install the files manually. In this case, they should
finish up in the following structure:
Drive x: is the program drive (may be Flash RAM)
Drive y: is the data drive (preferably not Flash RAM)
x: and y: may be the same drive.
x:\ + APP
. |
. . |
. . + faxit.bin
. . + sheet.ovl
. . + c2.drv
. . + faxit.hlp (optional)
. .
. + faxit.opa
. |
. + p_faxit.wdr
+ sys$help.opo (optional)
y:\ + FAXIT
+ cover1.cvs (optional)
+ cover2.cvs .
+ cover3.cvs .
1.4 Starting FaxIt for the First Time
Install FAXIT.OPA with the standard Psion-I.
The first time you run FaxIt, if you did not install the sample
coversheets, you will be prompted for the drive
on which to install data files. A directory call \FAXIT will be
created on this drive. Due to the volatile nature of the fax
queue, it is preferable that this not be a Flash SSD.
1.5 Upgrading from Previous Versions of FaxIt
At present, FaxIt can not upgrade Fax files or Queue files from
previous versions. If you currently have version 1.4 or earlier,
you should delete the \FAXIT directory and its contents before
running FaxIt 2.2 so that it will create a new directory and new
datafiles from scratch.
2.1 Setting up the Printer Driver
FaxIt works by periodically looking for a print file called FAX.LIS
in the \FAXIT data directory. It then renames it out of the way while it
is being processed. The easiest way to make this happen is to configure
the printer destination. From the System screen, select Psion-Y. Change
the printer device to <File>, the File Name to \FAXIT\FAX.LIS. Change the
File Disk to the drive where you created the \FAXIT data directory. This
changes the default printer destination for all applications. Even if you
change it back to <Serial> or <Parallel>, it will still remember the Disk
and File Name should you change it back to <File> again later.
You will probably print more than you fax, so it makes sense
to leave the default printer as Serial or Parallel. You can then
change the printer destination temporarily from the Printer Setup
of each application (Psion-Y) each time you want to send a fax.
This sounds more complicated than it really is.
2.2 Cabling
To connect a fax modem to the Psion, you will need the Psion 3-Link cable
and a modem adaptor cable. The modem adaptor cable is normally available
from stockists of 3-Link. Alternatively, you can make a simple converter
to change the signals from the 3-Link serial cable to those required for
your modem. The following cables work in most cases, although you should
check your modem manual if you are in any doubt.
3-Link (25pin) Modem
====== =====
2 ------------- 3
3 ------------- 2
4 ------------- 5
5 ------------- 4
7 ------------- 7
6 ------------- 20
20 ------------- 6
3-Link (9-pin) Modem
====== =====
2 ------------- 3
3 ------------- 2
7 ------------- 8
8 ------------- 7
5 ------------- 5
6 ------------- 4
4 ------------- 6
2.3 Fax Modems
The software has been found to work with the following Class 2/2.0
faxmodems. Please let me know if it works with yours. More importantly,
let me know if it doesn't and I'll see what I can do (providing your
modem does claim to be Class 2 or 2.0 compatible that is).
AIWA WorldComm PV-PFV144 (portable)
Andest Roadrunner 14.4 (portable)
Boca Modem 14400
Dynalink 1414VQP (portable)
Eigercom 33.6 PCMCIA
Ericsson 318/DC12 data card (cellular)
ELSA Microlink 28.8 TQV
ELSA Microlink 33.6 TQV
Express 14.4e
GVC 28800 External
GVC 24/96 Pocket
Hayes Accura 144 +Fax
Infotel 1414VQP (portable)
Microcom Deskport 28800
Microfax 14.4
Multitech MT1932ZDXK
Multitech MT2834BLK
Nokia 2110/Data card (cellular)
Novafax 28800
Olitec Fax/Modem 14400
Olitec 28800
Pace Linnet 34fx
Pace Microlin FX32+ (portable)
Pace Microlin fx34 (portable)
Psion Travel Modem ** DSR handshaking **
Practical Peripherals 14.4
Practical Peripherals PM288MT
Racal ALM3226 (portable)
Repko SL-144.1F
SupraFAXModem 14.4
Trust 28800/14400 Data/Fax
Twincom 14.4
UCOM Nordic 14400
US Robotics Courier V.32bis Terbo
US Robotics Courier Dual Standard V34
US Robotics Sportster 28800
US Robotics Sportster Vi 28800
US Robotics Worldport Dual Standard Cellular
Viva 2496P Pocket Fax
Zoom PKT 144 (portable)
Zoom V.34XE 28.8
Zyxel U-1496 E+
Zyxel 2864 Elite
The following modems are known not to work as they are
not Class 2/2.0
Cray Quantum 144
Hayes Optima VFC+FAX 28800
Microcomputer Research Inc. "Mr Modem"
Motorola Lifestyle 28.8
Motorola Online 28.8
Nuvotel Voyager 96424PFX
Pace Mobifax
Psion Dacom Gold Card
USR Sportster 14400 Vi
USR Worldport 14400 & below
Zoltrix ZX-144
An up to date list of working (and non-working) modems can be found
at the FaxIt Web site. See "Support" below for details.
2.4 Troubleshooting Modems
There are two things you can do if you are having problems with your fax
modem. Firstly, run "Query Modem" (Psion-Y). This opens the serial port,
initialises the fax modem, then tests it for Class 2/2.0 compatibility.
If this works you should be able to fax successfully with this modem.
If not, try changing the "DSR handshaking" setting in the Modem
Settings screen (Psion-M). Modems normally work with this set to "No",
however the Psion Travel Modem needs this set to "Yes".
For more detailed diagnostics, select "Trace On" (Psion-T), then
attempt to send a fax. This creates a file "FAXDUMP" in the \FAXIT
data directory which will contain a trace of the conversation between
FaxIt and the modem. This file should be plain text, and can be
viewed or printed. If you cannot persuade your modem to work, e-mail
me this file and I will try to find out why FaxIt is having a problem.
The FAXDUMP file is cleared with each fax attempt so it will only
ever contain a trace of the last attempt (or the last Query
Modem attempt). Psion-T will toggle the Trace setting to "Off".
This setting is not saved when you exit FaxIt so Trace will always be
set to "Off" when you start up FaxIt.
2.5 FaxIt Settings
Preferences (Psion-Q):
Automatic Foreground
Set to <Yes> to jump to foreground when a
fax print file is found
Delete Completed Items
Set to <Yes> to automatically delete Faxes
after they have been sent successfully. Set to
<No> to leave them on the queue with a time of
Maintain Log
If set to <Yes> FaxIt will maintain a list of
completed faxes (successes and failures)
in the file "Faxlog" in the \FAXIT
directory. This is a plain text file which you
can view from FaxIt
Phonecard Prefix / Suffix
If you use a phone charge card, enter the
number here. Some cards require both a prefix and a
suffix, others use just a prefix. You can select
whether to use the card on a fax by fax basis.
Close Phonebook After Use
FaxIt can use a phonebook to store fax numbers.
It is just a Data application. If this field is set to
<Yes>, the Data App is closed after each use to conserve
memory. Set it to <No> to leave the Data App running. Note
that this only applies if FaxIt launches the phonebook. If
it was already running it will not be closed after use.
Phonebook Name
Use <tab> to select a Data file to use as
a Phonebook. This must be an existing Database file.
To create a blank one, use the Data Application then select
it from here.
Port/Modem Settings (Psion-M):
Port Settings
Modem Port
Indicates the TTY: device. Set to "A" on a Psion 3a
or 3c.
Port Open Delay
Set to the number of seconds to wait after opening the
serial port before sending any characters. This should
be set to a higher value for GSM data card modems which
often use the port open action to turn on the modem. This
can result in several seconds delay before the modem is ready
to receive commands. Some pocket modems will benefit from
a higher value too.
DSR handshaking
Normally set to "No" works with most modems. Set to "Yes"
for the Psion Travel Modem.
Modem Settings
Modem is initially
<Enabled> or <Disabled>. Set the default state
of the modem when you start FaxIt.
Modem Initialisation String
The initialisation string to send to your fax modem
before each fax call. FaxIt sets any modem settings
which are important so normally you will not
need to put anything special in here. It is
best left as "ATZ" which just resets the modem.
Maximum Speed
Defaults to 14400 but you can set this to a slower
speed if you experience recurring communication errors.
Dial Modifier
The part of the dial string which must
immediately follow the "ATD" command. Use
"T" or "D" to force Tone or Pulse dialling.
Maximum Line Errors
This is the limit of *Error* attempts that
FaxIt is allowed before giving up. When
exceeded, a fax stays on the queue with a
send time of <Defer> until the problem is
fixed or the fax is deleted. Note that an
*Error* is defined as a communications
error such as being cut off, the call
is answered but not by a fax machine,
or no answer at all. Line engaged is
*Not* an Error.
Retry Period
The number of minutes that FaxIt should
wait before retrying a fax transmission.
Coversheet Fields (Psion-S):
Fax Number
Your fax number. This is sent to the
receiving fax machine for identification and also
appears in the header line of outgoing faxes and on
coversheets if required.
Name / Organisation
Enter your name and organisation as you wish them to
appear on coversheets. Note that these fields can be
over-ridden on a fax by fax basis.
Default Coversheet Name
Select a file to be the default coversheet for new
faxes. This can be changed on a fax by fax basis.
3.1 How to Fax a Document
To fax a document from say, the Word application, it is best to select
fax output before you start typing, as this sets up the fonts you can use
in the document. If you want to fax an existing file, setting the printer
destination to FaxIt will convert your existing fonts to their nearest
equivalents. To select FaxIt as the destination printer:
Select Printer Configuration (Psion-Y)
Press <tab> on Printer model and set it to "FaxIt 2.2"
Press <tab> on Printer device and change Printer device to "File"
Set File: Name to "\FAXIT\FAX.LIS" and Disk to point to whatever
you set your FaxIt data drive to be (Internal/A/B)
(This is the bit you don't have to do every time if
you have set it up in the System screen (above) ).
Once you have selected FaxIt as the destination printer, the
following fonts are available within your document:
Times (9 & 13 point), Helvetica (9 & 13 point) and Courier 7 point
The text can be made Bold, Underlined or Italic (Italic is faxed
as reversed text,ie white on black, not sloping text).
Because FaxIt uses a printer model, *any* 3a/3c application should
be able to send faxes, as well as being able to use the standard
Print Preview facility.
FaxIt only moves the FAX.LIS file out of the way once you
have entered a fax number for it. It makes sense to do this
immediately after printing to avoid the print file being
overwritten. You can set FaxIt to automatically jump to
the foreground and prompt for a number as soon as it finds a
print file. This is the default behaviour. Once you have entered
the fax number (and any other details) the file is saved and
queued for transmission. It is then safe to print anything else
to the fax print file.
FaxIt can be interrupted at most stages during call placement.
Press "Esc" and FaxIt will cancel its present activity and return
control to the user at the next convenient stage.
3.2 The FaxIt Main Screen
The FaxIt screen looks largely like a spreadsheet screen. Each
row is a queued fax which may or may not be eligible to be sent
now. Up, Down, PgUp and PgDn move the selection box a single
item or a page at a time. Home and End go to the top or bottom
of the queue respectively. When a fax is highlighted, the
following actions may be performed:
Del - Delete this item. You will be asked for confirmation.
Enter or
Psion-V - View the fax fields in more detail.
Psion-N - Send Now, regardless of the time it is queued for
Psion-D - Defer. This fax will remain on the queue but
will not be sent until specifically changed.
Useful for queuing up faxes when you don't have
access to the modem or a phone line for example.
Psion-C - Change the settings using the Fax Details window
described below.
The Columns of the screen should be largely self explanatory.
The Status column is the status of the *last* transmission
attempt. If blank, no attempt has been made yet. The T/E column
refers to Tries/Errors. Tries is the number of attempts made
to send it, Errors is the number of communication failures. This
increases until the limit set in Preferences is reached. An
engaged number increments the Tries count but not the Error count.
3.3 The Fax Details Window
This screen will be presented whenever FaxIt has found a print
file to be faxed, or when you change the details of a fax
(see below).
Fax Number - The fax number. Note that you can use the
<P> button to call up your phonebook if you
have one set up. Highlight the fax number in
the Data App then return to FaxIt (Shift-System
will achieve this). Then usr the <B> button to
bring the fax number into FaxIt. This will also work
from any other application which supports Bring.
Note also that you can specify fax numbers using
the Psion Country Suffix, e.g 0123 456789[France].
This is translated automatica;;y and the resulting
number is shown on the next screen for further editing
if required.
Use Phonecard - Set to <Yes> to prefix the number with the phonecard
number set up in the Preferences Screen. Note that
the phonecard number will not show in the FaxIt screen
but will be used when the number is actually dialled.
Send Time - Set to <Now>, <Defer> (never, unless changed)
or <Specify> to set an actual Date/Time.
With Coversheet - Set to <Yes> to include a simple user-designable
coverpage on the front of your fax.
Fax Details Second Screen:
Note that this screen differs depending whether or not a coversheet
has been specified.
Fax Number - The translated fax number (see previous screen)
Reference - A reference for you to recognise this
fax on the Queue
The following fields can be entered when a coversheet has been
Attention Of - The intended fax recipient
Organisation - and their company name
From - Your name.
My Organisation - Your company name
Coversheet Name - Filename of a coversheet file to use
3.4 The Diamond Menu
Psion-plus (+) enables the fax modem in Direct Dial mode.
Psion-star (*) enables the modem in Dial-Out mode. It will prefix
fax numbers with the Dial-Out string set up in the System
Dialling dialogue (Shift-Psion-D).
Psion-minus (-) disables the modem.
Alternatively the Diamond Key toggles between the three states.
3.5 The Coversheet Editor
You can create new Coversheets (Psion-W) or edit existing ones (Psion-E).
Coversheets must reside in the \FAXIT data directory and have a file type
of .CVS
The editor is fairly simplistic and straightforward. All coversheets
use the Courier 7 font. You can also set a bold font by inserting ~B
at the beginning of a line. Note that the bold attribute will apply to
the entire paragraph, i.e. up to the next <return>. A second ~B will
revert to normal font. You can embed 'tags' which will be replaced by
the appropriate fields when the coversheet is faxed (see menu).
A coversheet can be up to 2048 characters long.
4.1 Disk Space
The application itself is not very large. Queued faxes are small too,
so queuing up a batch of faxes does not take up an undue amount of space.
Conversion of the queued fax into a format for transmission can be quite
disk hungry however, and can be anything from 10k to 30k per page
depending on content. Be aware of this when faxing large documents.
4.2 System Performance
Sending a fax to a Group 3 fax machine involves blasting the data down
the serial port to your fax modem at 19,200 baud. The fax protocol does
not allow for interrupts in transmission, meaning that if ever the modem
runs out of data (perhaps because the Psion is doing something else) the
fax call will drop and will have to be started over. Task switching
while a fax is being transmitted, lowers FaxIt's priority to below the
task you switched to. The call will *probably* drop although this does
depend on what you switched to, and how much buffer memory your
fax modem has. To be absolutely safe, do not task switch while
a fax is being sent.
5.1 Shareware
FaxIt is Shareware. An unregistered version is fully functional, except
that it is limited to sending one page. This restriction can be lifted
by sending 14UKP (US$25) to the address below, or on Compuserve, GO SWREG
to access the Shareware Registration service. FaxIt's Registration ID is
8639. You will then be sent a registration code. You may use the software
for 30 days for evaluation purposes after which you must either register
it, or remove it from your machine.
5.2 Terms and Conditions
FaxIt may be distributed freely providing that a) it is not modified in
any way, and b) that this notice forms part of the distribution.
Reverse engineering of any component of FaxIt is
expressly forbidden.
The author and distributors of this software can not be held liable for
any damage or loss of data either directly or indirectly, arising from
the use of FaxIt. No warranty is either expressed or implied.
5.3 Acknowledgements
Recognition and gratitude should go to Tom Dolbilin for his OPL Help
Subsystem which has contributed to FaxIt looking that little bit more
like a professional application.
"Psion Setup (c) is written by Jochen Siegenthaler and used under
licence." You can find information about SETUP as well as other useful
Psion software at Jochen's Website:
6.1 Support
A Web page has been created to provide up to the minute information
about FaxIt. A list of compatible modems is maintained, as well as facts
and fixes for support issues. News about upgrades and up and coming
features and a few screen shots are also maintained here too.
Alternatively, I can be contacted by e-mail or letter post at the
addresses given below.
The Web page URL is given at the bottom of this document.
Please let me know if you find things in FaxIt that don't work
as advertised. That way the software gets fixed sooner. I am also
keen to receive feedback about modems which work, and those which
6.2 History
First Release
Fix multi-page problem
Introduced modem test facility (Psion-Y)
Longer timeouts allowed during initialisation phase
Copes with modems that supply remote CSI without quotes
Trace facility (Psion-T).
Internal event handling rewritten
Fixes another multi-page problem
Fixes bug which (very rarely) misses a line from the fax
Handles non Class 2 modems
Quits tidily if page is wider than faxpaper size
Simple Coversheets
Phonebook facility
Ability to 'Bring' fax numbers
Supports Country suffixes in fax numbers
Supports phone Chargecard
Supports System Dial-Out prefix
New View Details Screen (Enter or Psion-V)
Delayed port open (helps Data Card Modems)
Adds DSR flow-control (for Psion Travel Modem)
Additional support for Multitech Fax Modems
Can limit fax transmission speed (some modems struggle
to fax successfully at 14400)
Completed Help file
Expanded phonecard number to have Prefix & Suffix
Added option to 'Read Text file' in coversheet editor
Small modification to 'View' screen
Added DSR handshaking flag
Walter Wright
1 Deanery Cottage
High Street
Compuserve: 101367,2040
E-mail: WalterWright@compuserve.com
Web Page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/WalterWright
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