

Love Calculator =============== This program, Freeware version 1.0 for the Series 3a/3c. It was written as a bit of fun and as silly programs go, this is silly! Installation ============ The zip file should contain the following files: Readme.txt (this file) Lovers.opa (1,468 bytes) 1) To install just copy Convert.opa to the "\APP\" directory on the internal drive or any Flash disk; 2) From the Psion System screen select the Menu for Apps->Install, select the disk where you placed the opa file in step 1 then select Lovers.opa from the "File: Name" list; Disclaimer ========== Though every effort has been made to test this program and to ensure that it works, the author can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use of this program. Comments and Suggestions ======================== If you have any comments on the program or suggestions for improvments and additions then please e-mail me at: David_N_Steer@GB.COOPERS.COM. Though I may not be able to reply directly, your comments and suggestions will be taken into account.

