This archive contains 3 text viewers
Reader freeware "Horizontal" text viewer (version 1.5)
RDemo shareware "Rotatable" demo of Reader version 2.2a with compression
ZVR freeware "Vertical" text viewer with compression
It is my hope that this package will help introduce users to the enjoyable
world of electronic books and help ease the selection of viewers by
providing a one stop "shopping" of viewers available for the Psion 3a.
Please note that ZVR is not from me but is provided for two reasons. One, to
help users find a viewer that they are comfortable with. And two, to show my
thanks to Ian Young who developed the compression source for ZVR and without
that source I would not have been able to develop my version for Reader. So
once again my thanks to Ian Young and my apologies for "butchering" his
code to make my small improvements to his design. His source is available in
the ZVR.zip archive in this package along with the other files.
What is included in this archive
Reader.opa (version 1.5)
RDemo.opa (version 2.2a)
Reader.txt (manual)
Readme.txt (this file)
ZVR.zip (The ZVR program, source and instructions)
What is not here is the executable text compressors for Reader and ZVR. The
text compressor for Reader should be in TCReader.zip and available at the
same site were you found this archive.
Reader is best described as user supported software. That is to say do to
user support I was able to find the time and resources to help develop Reader
to the state it's in (you can see the difference between ver 1.5 and 2.2.) If
you like Reader or if you just want to help continue it's development please
send $20 USD but I will accept 15 with your understanding that I hold these
(English checks) till I get enough of them to make a trip to the bank and
processing fees worth while. As interest grows I hope to make other
arrangements for overseas checks.
The older 1.5 version of Reader and ZVR is made available as a free text
viewer to help encourage a little extra reading by those who may not be
inclined to support every single thing that comes along.
If you have any comments or questions you can contact me:
Reader c/o Barry Childress
3415 North Second Street
Harrisburg PA 17110
Phone (717) 234-0750 - Compuserve 73510,1420
Internet: 73510.1420@compuserve.com
New Features since 1.5
* Faster searching and new options see "Find word" in Reader.txt for more
* Read ahead buffer fixed.
* CIS file handling changed slightly see "CIS" in Reader.txt and the note in
"Installing Reader" in this text for more information.
* Faster response to key strokes. You can even "sit" on a page up or page
down key to move more then one page at a time. Remember you don't have to
wait for the screen to finish redrawing before the key is acted upon.
* Vertical fonts added with left and right handed orientation.
* End of File dialog that will let you delete support files (RDR and BKM) or
all files associated with the file including the TXT its self.
* Compressed text viewing. See the TCReader.zip archive for more information.
Installing Reader.opa
Copy Reader.opa or RDemo.opa to your \APP directory and install with <Psion>I.
See Reader.txt for more information.
To save space I am including only one TXT version of the manual. All
features are available in the RDemo.opa. As they currently exist in the
official registered version but are by no means the "final" version. I am
making changes and adding features almost daily, and I plan on updating all
registered users "electronically" for free for the foreseeable future. The only
changes to the demo are in the closing dialog when you exit the program and a
small reminder at 10% increments while viewing a file.
Not all features listed are available in the freeware version of Reader. Also
at the time of this writing searching and exporting from a compressed file
is not yet done but I hope to have that done soon. This demo is being made
available "as is" to help free up some time for coding instead of answering my
email from people who want to see a copy of the program. So I hope you enjoy
the program. -=Barry=-
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