

TermIt V1.2a ------------ Date: 10 Oct 1996 Description ------------ TermIt is a communication program that supports the DEC VT52, VT100 and ANSI escape sequences. It works on the Series 3a only. TermIt provides an 80 column and 24 line full screen emulation of the DEC VT52 and VT100 terminal. TermIt support all of the DEC VT100 features, including: - highlighting - underline - inverse video - auto wrap mode - forward and reverse scrolling - full cursor movement - line and block erase - VT102 insert/remove character extension - VT102 insert/remove line extension - ANSI insert character - clear screen and reset terminal - normal and special graphics character set - ANSI/VT52 mode - tab settings - Delete and Enter key mapping - VT100 keypad emulation - full serial port and handshake configuration - full modem configuration - xmodem and ymodem file transfer protocols - saving current configuration on exit - 3 level screen zooming - "Bring in" text data from other application - external device driver loader for 3FAX modem - all input/output character translation - dialling directory with up to 6 phone numbers - device status report, device attribute, terminal parameters reports - simple script language TermIt support VT-52 commands sequences standalone, and as part of VT-100 features. *********************************************************************** * WARNING AND DISCLAIMER * *********************************************************************** * * * Use this software at your own risk. I will not be held responsible * * for any damage to you, your machine and/or your information as a * * result of using TermIt. * * * *********************************************************************** Installation ------------ TermIt is distributed as a single zip archive. You will need Unzip (under Unix, MSDOS, or VMS), PKUNZIP (under MSDOS), or WinZip (under Windows) to unpack the distribution file, Termtxxx.zip (xxx = version number). 1. Unpack Termtxxx.zip to an empty directory and check the contents... Termit.app TermIt application Termit.rsc TermIt help file (optional) Readme.txt This readme file 2. Copy Termit.app into the \APP\ directory on any of your Psion drives. 3. Create directory TERMIT under \APP\ directory on any drive (M:,A:,B:), but NOT USE Flash SSD for that! 4. Copy TermIt.rsc file to \APP\TERMIT\ directory. This is optional. 5. Install TermIt from the System screen with Psion-I or select Apps | Install from the menu (for English Psions). Menu description ---------------- File Transmit (Psion + T) Send a file using the selected protocol. The unregistered version can send file < 5 Kbytes only. Receive (Psion + R) Receive a file using the selected protocol. The unregistered version can receive file < 5 Kbytes only. Capture (Psion + C) Start capturing incoming data to a file selected from file selection dialogue. If you select existing file, it will be overwrite. When logging is on, on status line is word "Capt" and this menu is changes to "Capture off". Run/Stop Script (Psion + F) Start/Stop script file. While script is running, "Scrt" word is on status line. Edit Bring in (Psion + B) Brings onto TermIt screen text which has previously been highlighted in another application. For registered users only. This function can bring in up to 128 character only now. Connect Dial (Psion + D) You can choice dialling method from Menu Extras/Set preferences/Dial mode. Two mode available: - Direct you just enter phone number - Directory you select phone number from list. This list you can edit from Menu/Connect/Edit dial. Modem dial commands consist of: Dial prefix + Phone Number + Dial suffix Last entered phone number in Direct mode will be saved as first phone number in list. Edit dial (Psion + Shift + D) You can enter and save up to 6 phone numbers and use it for dialling in Directory dialling mode. You can choice this dialling method from Menu/Extras/Set preferences/Dial mode. HangUp (Psion + H) Hang Up modem using Settings/Modem/HangUp string. Initialize (Psion + I) Initialise modem using Settings/Modem/Initialize string. Settings Port (Psion + P) Sets the serial port options: Baud rate 50 ... 19200 Data bits 5 ... 8 Stop bits 1,2 Parity None,Event,Odd Ignore parity no / yes Channel TTY:A, TTY:B, TTY:C, TTY:D a550 driver Disable / Enable disable/enable to load device driver for using with 3Fax modem. For registered users only. The unregistered users can use channel "tty:A" only. Port settings will be display on status line. Modem (Psion + M) Sets the modem commands string: Init string determine string which will be send to modem for modem initialising. Hang Up determine string which will be send to modem for modem Hang Up. Dial prefix determine string which will be send to modem before dialling phone number. Dial suffix determine string which will be send to modem after dialling phone number. Handshake (Psion + K) Sets the serial port handshakes: Xon/Xoff RTS/CTS DTR/DSR Terminal (Psion + N) Sets the terminal emulation options: Term Type TTY / VT52 / VT100 sets terminal type. VT100 are ANSI compatible. Local echo off / on on/off local echo function. Word wrap off / on determine cursor action after reaching the right screen edge. Incoming CR <CR> / <CR>+<LF> / <LF> determine cursor action of incoming <CR> code Incoming LF <LF> / <LF>+<CR> / <CR> determine cursor action of incoming <LF> code Destruct BS off / on determine cursor action of incoming <BS> code: BackSpace or Delete. Comm buffer (bytes) 16...254 determine incoming buffer length. You can select buffer length for faster communication. Default value is 80. Translate (Psion + A) Sets the translating for transmitted character: Enter Key <CR> / <CR+LF> / <LF> determine which code is transmitted when the Enter key is pressed. BackSpace <DEL> / <BS> determine which code are transmitted when the Delete key is pressed. Translation table off / on If you use this option, you can translate any incoming and outgoing character, using translation table. Translation table is just a file, with 256+256 character code. This option is brilliant for user, who use national code table, i.e. Scandinavian and Russian KOI-8. Now available: - for Finland language - Finish.tbl - for Russian KOI-8 - Koi8rus.tbl - for Russian ALT code - Alt_rus.tbl Any other are welcome! Table name <file with translation table>.tbl Select file with translation table. This file extension is ".TBL". Protocol (Psion + O) Select the file transmit/receive protocol: ASCII XModem CRC XModem CRC (1k) XModem Checksum YModem YModem (1k) YModem-G YModem-G (1k) Selected protocol will be displayed on status line. Sets the default directory for file transmit: Tx dir Name Sets the default directory for file receive: Rx dir Name Screen (Psion + S) Sets screen and cursor attributes: Cursor flashing off / on Cursor style Line / Block Bold text Enable / Disable Status line On / Off Save Settings (Psion + Shift + S) Save current TermIt settings into selected .INI file. This file will be visible under TermIt application on System screen, and can be selected and loaded. Special Set preferences (Psion + Q) Sets TermIt preferences: Auto Dial off / on If set to on, TermIt will dialling first saved phone number after starting. Dial mode Direct / Directory Sets dialling method. If you select Manual, you can use (and edit directly) one phone number only. If you select Directory, you can use (not edit) up to 6 predefined phone numbers. Clock Off / Time / Timer Show system time or online time in the left corner of the status line. For registered users only. Reset vt100 (Psion + Shift + E) Sets the default parameters to vt100 terminal. Clear Screen (Psion + E) Clears the screen and set cursor to the left top corner. Zoom in (Psion + Z) Zoom out (Psion + Shift + Z) Increase/decrease font and window size. 6x6, 6x8 and 8x8 size available. When using big font, on status line you can see word "Zoom" You can move window corner-to-corner, using Control + Arrow key. Visible window position will be displayed on status line. Register (Psion + Shift + R) Available for unregistered users only. Registering TermIt. If you have register code just enter it and press Enter. Thank you for registering TermIt! You have file Termit.reg in your /APP/TERMIT directory now. About TermIt (Psion + Shift + A) Show "About TermIt" window. Exit (Psion + X) Leave TermIt. Current settings will be save in current .INI file in /APP/TERMIT/ directory. "secret" Hot keys ----------------- Next Settings Dialogs available, but not visible in menu (you must use HOT KEY) : Time settings (Psion+Shift+T) Allow sets delay (up to 5 sec with step 1/20 sec ) after End Of Line (EOL) and after each character (CHR). You must define EOL character code for your system. By default it is 13 (CR). Sounds settings (Psion+Shift+O) Allow enable/disable sounds system for TermIt. You can select any .WVE files for using with TermIt. Bell disable / enable On/off terminal bell (after incoming char 007) PostOp Sound disable / enable On/off sounds after long time operation (capture, transmit, receive...) File Name ... Start Sound disable / enable On/off sounds when TermIt started. File Name ... ***IMPORTANT *** You can use ROM sounds too. It have name: sys$al01.wve - Fanfare sys$al02.wve - Soft bells sys$al03.wve - Church bell To select this sounds: 1. Press Ctrl+Tab in File Name field. 2. Enter file name in "Filename pattern" filed (as sys$al01.wve). 3. Enter "ROM::" in "Full path field". 4. Press Ctrl+Enter VT100 keypad emulation ---------------------- As there is no numeric keypad on the 3a, TermIt can emulate it using main keyboard. The <DIAMOND> key turns on keypad mode for one character. TermIt allow you generate keypad key with two methods: 1. Using alpha and numeric keys Ex: for generate keypad <,> key code, press <DIAMOND>, than press <f> key. s3a keyboard VT100 keypad +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | pf1 | pf2 | pf3 | pf4 | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | q | w | e | r | | 7 | 8 | 9 | - | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | a | s | d | f | | 4 | 5 | 6 | , | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | z | x | c | E | | 1 | 2 | 3 | E | | | | | n | | | | | n | +-----+-----+-----+ t | +-----+-----+-----+ t | | | | e | | | | e | | Space | . | r | | 0 | . | r | | | | | | | | | +-----------+-----+-----+ +-----------+-----+-----+ 2. Using numeric and Shift+numeric keys Ex: for generate keypad <,> key code, press <DIAMOND>, than press <"> key (Shift+2). s3a keyboard VT100 keypad +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | pf1 | pf2 | pf3 | pf4 | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 7 | 8 | 9 | - | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | S+1 | S+2 | | | | | | | 9 | 0 | or | or | | 4 | 5 | 6 | , | | | | <!> | <"> | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | S+3 | S+4 | S+5 | S | | | | | | | or | or | or | + | | 1 | 2 | 3 | E | | <> | <$> | <%> | 6 | | | | | n | +-----+-----+-----+ | +-----+-----+-----+ t | | | S+8 | or | | | | e | | S+7 or <&>| or | | | 0 | . | r | | | <?> | <^> | | | | | +-----------+-----+-----+ +-----------+-----+-----+ You can cancel keypad mode by <DIAMOND> again. Also, you can generate VERTICAL BAR symbol with <DIAMOND> and <b>. Script language ================ Script is ASCII text file, with commands for TermIt terminal emulator. You can make it, using OPL editor or Word application, but you *MUST* save file with script as TEXT! Script commands: WAITFOR "string" This command waiting for text "string" in incoming character sequence. When "string" will be find, next script command will be executed. SEND "string" This command send text "string" to port (modem, host...). EXIT Exit script. Any other string in script file will be skipped. * string parameters *MUST* start and finish by <"> character. Commands haven't timeout period now. If your script can't execute, because system answer is not, what TermIt want see, just stop script (Psion + f). While script is running (waiting), you can enter any commands manually. Script example: ! UNIX login script SEND "ATDT1234567" ! Send dialling command to modem WAITFOR "login:" ! Waiting UNIX login prompt SEND "My_name" ! Send user name WAITFOR "Password:" ! Waiting UNIX password prompt SEND "My_password" " ! Send user password EXIT ! Exit script ! END UNIX login script If after command SEND "ATDT1234567" ! Send dialling command to modem you have response BUSY (phone line is BUSY), script will be BLOCKED, because it waiting string "login:". In this case you can stop script and run it again, or directly enter command ATDT1234567 to modem from keyboard. After connecting to host, script will be continued. Bug Reports / Comments ---------------------- Send all bug reports and comments to the author (Serge Shestopalov) at the address shown in the Support section below. Registration ------------ TermIt is Shareware, which means you can try the program before deciding to purchase it, and you may give copies of the trial version to other Psion Series 3a/3c users to try. However, you cannot legally continue to use the program if you decide not to register it, nor may you give copies of the registered version or the registration code to others. You may use the trial version for 30 days, and I will provide assistance to get the program to work with your Psion 3a during that period, but further support is available only to registered users. The registration fee is UKP L15 or USD $25. Payment can be made by... * Cash only (no cheques please) to Serge Shestopalov Balvu 15-56 Riga, LV-1003 LATVIA EUROPE * GO SWREG on CompuServe and use ID number 9740 * Using the RegNet service on my World Wide Web page at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Serge_S *Important note*: Please do not send cheques. The local banks all charge an excessive amount to cash them. The easiest way to register is by sending cash in a good strong envelope (between two pieces of paper so you cannot see through the envelope). Once registered, you will receive a personal code to free TermIt from the nag screen and limitations. There is no need to re-install. Please add your full name for the registration message. Support ------- This product is supported via e-mail only. Please send all messages to: Internet: dustman@stoat.riga.lv CompuServe: 100526,1317 The latest version will always be available from my Web page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Serge_S History ------- 20 Oct 1995 v1.0a beta release 20 Nov 1995 v1.0e first release 22 Dec 1995 v1.1a add VT52 and VT102 features add character translation table add special graphics character sets some cursor movement bugs fixed - tested using VT100 test by Per Lindberg, Stockholm University Computing Center 30 Dec 1995 v1.1b .INI file bug fixed add simple script language add default directory for Tx/Rx add forced Hang Up command with DTR set/reset. 23 Feb 1996 v1.1c add Time settings dialog (Psion+Shift+T) add Sound settings dialog (Psion+Shift+O) window moving to cursor visible position, when zoom changed fixed. 10 Oct 1996 v1.2a port settings bug fixed automatic 3Fax loader added status line On/Off added some minor bug fixed Thanks ------ - Graham P. Tappenden. - Klaus Lichtenwalder for beta testing and for many good ideas about TermIt. - Giancarlo Barbadoro for ideas and testing. - Pekka Mannerkorpi for "Translation table" idea support, and testing. - Phil Spencer (nicko@nildram.co.uk) for great beta testing. ----------------------- Serge Shestopalov 1996.

