PanicRef is a quick reference of the Psion Panic Codes.
Using the installer:
1) Connect your Psion to your PC, start Rcom and move to the
directory where you unzipped PanicRef (if you do not own Rcom
it is available on Compuserve)
2) Type INSTALL drive: , where drive: is the Psion drive where
you want PanicRef installed eg INSTALL i:
3) Install PanicRef on the system screen by pressing <Psion><I>
or selecting "Install" from the "Apps" menu. Choose PanicRef
and press <Enter>.
1) Place panicref.opa in the \APP\ directory and
panic.rsc in the \HLP\ directory on any drive, you will
have to create these directories if they do not already
2) Install PanicRef on the system screen by pressing <Psion><I>
or selecting "Install" from the "Apps" menu. Choose PanicRef
and press <Enter>.
Select PanicRef from the system screen and press Enter.
You will be presented with a dialog at which you can
either enter the Panic Code you want or select "About
Panic Reference". Press Enter and your chosen selection
will be displayed. Press Escape to return to initial screen
and choose another code, or press Escape to exit PanicRef.
About Panic Reference
I wrote this partly out of curiosity and partly because
I needed I quick reference for Panic Codes (yes, I do
panic my Psion that often <g>).
I would like to thank Jezar@Psion for documenting the
Internal Help engine.
I also believe the database of Panic Codes that I
converted to this format also belongs to Jezar, so
thanks again.
If you notice any errors, or know the meaning of the
"mystery" Codes that are presently not documented
here I can be contacted at:
Will Head, 1995
This program is free, and can be freely distributed,
however I retain the copyright to the parts of the
code that I have written.
I believe this program to be stable and the information
within it to be correct - however I accept no
responsibility for any loss that may occur from using
this program.
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