MusiPoc 2.1 is owned and (c)Copyright 1993-1995 by Berthold Daum.
All Rights Reserved.
This program is a shareware program. The future development
of this program depends on the number of people registering.
! Warning ! !
! The unregistered version of this !
! program cannot store tunes with !
! more than 20 notes or breaks !
Although MusiDoc has been extensively tested, the author shall not be
responsible for any loss of any kind due to its use. It is the
user's responsibility to establish the suitability of this
software for any particular purpose.
You can either directly register with us (A$19.95)
by filling out form ORDER.FRM and send it to us by mail, email, or FAX.
Berthold Daum
lichtbild p/l
21 Margate St.
Beaumaris, Vic. 3193
CompuServe 100026,3365
INTERNET: 100026.3365@compuserve.com
or you can register via CompuServe (US$19.95) GO SWREG.
Author: Berthold Daum
CompuServe ID: [100026,3365]
Registration ID: 3709
Fee (US$): 19.95
Shipping & Handling Fees (US$): nil
If you have a CompuServe or Internet address we will supply the
registration number by email, otherwise by mail.
NEW!!! Recommendation program
We distribute our programs directly to offer you the lowest prices as
possible. Direct distribution depends very much on mouth-to-mouth recommendation.
We would like to acknowledge this fact by honouring the recommenation of our
products. If you are a registered user of any of our products, and another
user quotes your name when he registers, we will send you a floppy disc with
the newest versions of the products you had registered absolutely free !
MusiPoc Version 2.1 - Release Notes
Program Description
An editor for musical tunes.
Includes features such as:
Graphical editor with advanced music editing facilities.
Tune length of up to 4000 notes and breaks.
One voice, two voices, or one voice plus metronom.
Tunes are stored as SND-files.
Subroutine to play tunes out of applications or programs.
Full documentation as help files and/or online manual.
This program runs on PSION S3a and ACORN PocketBook II computers.
Collect musical ideas, create sound files for applications
or for HyperPoc.
The minimal amount of disc space needed is approx. 27k.
The maximal amount of disc space needed is approx. 49k
New in Version 2.00
- Support of S3a sound system
- Tunes with two voices
- Metronom
- More tempo choices
- Rhythm bars including rhythm changes for better readability
- Jump function to specified bar number.
- Conversion of S3 TUN files.
- Direct modification of notes via keyboard
New in Version 2.10
- Printing tunes on EPSON or HP printers
- Hotkeys for playing tunes changed
Do not print graphical data through MCPRINT, as output may be garbled !
Instead print through MCLINK:
- Start RemoteLink on the palmtop.
- Assign the host printer port as a printfile via PSION-Y (e.g. REM::LPT1 on a PC)
Other platforms:
- Set the printfile to a local file
- after printing transfer this file to the host
- then print the transferred file out (e.g. file type "Printout" on Acorn).
However, you can also print to a directly connected printer.
Host platforms
We deliver our products via email or on 3.5" floppy discs (1.44 MB IBM Format)
On request we can send out 720 kB floppy discs.
These formats can be read by PC, Mac, Amiga, Atari, Acorn.
If you received the software via email or downloaded it from an electronic
network you will received it in compressed format (PKZIPF). You will need
the latest version of PKUNZIP to decompress the software.
On the Macintosh do not use the standard UNZIP utility. Instead, use
the ZIPIT utility which you will find on your network.
In ZIPIT uncheck the box that says: "By default, smart-strip line feeds
from text files."
As a rule of thumb avoid options containing the word "smart".
Installation from PC or Mac
1. Decompress the software (see above).
2. Connect your Series3 computer to your PC or Mac. Start MCLINK
and activate "Remote link" from the PSIONs system screen.
3. Set the cursor under the RunOPL-icon (not under the OPL editor!) and
press TAB. When the file selection screen appears, press TAB again.
In the first line of the dialog box specify the name of the installation
directory (where the new software is stored), e.g. REM::C:\CSERVE\DOWNLOAD\
A file selection list appears.
4. Select the file !setup3.opa (first file). Press ENTER.
SetUp3 now takes control. The screen goes blank for a few seconds. Don't panic.
A file selector box appears.
5. If the file selector box shows the product name, just press ENTER.
If the file selector box shows a language, choose a language of your choice.
If your language is not mentioned, select "international", which is English.
6. The file transfer starts. If the product was installed before,
SetUp3 will start a dialog asking you if you want to
(Continue) = Overwrite existing version
(Other drive) = Install new version on different drive
(Options only) = Install options you did not install the first time.
7. SetUp3 asks you on which drive you want to install the software
and on which drive you usually keep your data.
We recommend flash memory for the system and usually RAM for data.
9. SetUp3 will ask you about optional modules. You can decide to install
them now, or you can leave it for later.
10.SetUp3 will give instructions on how to proceed after the successful
Installation from other platforms
On other platforms than PC or Mac there are two possibilities:
A) You have enough free memory, preferably on internal memory, RAM or a spare Flash pack.
Proceed as follows:
1. Decompress the software (see above).
2. Transfer the whole installation folder to a new installation folder on
the palmtop (M:\INSTAL\ for instance).
However, there is no need to tranfer *.ZIP, *.TXT, and *.FRM files, so you may
leave these ones out.
3. Set the cursor under the RunOPL-icon (not under the OPL editor!) and
press TAB. When the file selection screen appears, navigate to the new
installation folder on the palmtop.
Continue as described above under (4).
After installation is completed remove the installation folder from the palmtop.
B) If you do not have so much memory an assisted manual installation is still possible.
Proceed as follows:
1. Decompress the software (see above).
2. Connect your Series3 computer to your host computer. Start the host
communications software and activate "Remote link" from the PSIONs system screen.
3. Copy !setup3.opa into M:\APP\ .
Copy a *.ipf file of your choice into M:\APP\ .
Install !setup3 to the system screen (see user manual).
4. Activate !setup3 by positioning the highlight under it and pressing ENTER.
A file selector box appears.
5. Acknowledge the file selector box by pressing ENTER.
6. The installation begins. If the product was installed before,
SetUp3 will start a dialog asking you if you want to
(Continue) = Overwrite existing version
(Other drive) = Install new version on different drive
(Options only) = Install options you did not install the first time.
7. SetUp3 asks you on which drive you want to install the software
and on which drive you usually keep your data.
We recommend flash memory for the system and usually RAM for data.
9. SetUp3 will ask you about optional modules. You can decide to install
them now, or you can leave it for later.
10.SetUp3 will ask you to copy files from the installation directory
on the host computer to a target destination on the PSION.
Start the file transfer from your host computer. When the file has
been transmitted, acknowledge be pressing ENTER on the PSION.
11.SetUp3 will give instructions on how to proceed after the successful
When things go wrong
If the installation does not run smoothly, do not try to install
manually. The chance is, that if Setup3 or the installation control (IPF)
file was corrupted, that other modules are corrupted, too.
Please read the instructions again and repeat installation.
You could also try to use a lower transmission speed between host and PSION.
If the problem should persist, check for data corruption.
Order another floppy disc, or download again.
If the problem still persists, please seek our advice.
Please do not send us questions "What is Morpheus". Instead read this:
One of the tricky things when writing OPL-applications is the HELP-key.
For instance, it is not possible to react to the HELP-key when a menu
or a dialog box is on the screen, which is not very nice, because you
may want help to fill out that dialog box.
That is the reason why we created Morpheus. Morpheus is a independent
application which runs in the background and intercepts the HELP-key.
Morpheus checks which application is in the foreground and will then
display the appropriate help texts.
The other function of Morpheus is to handle alarms (for the products
ProPoc and HyperPoc). It can do this better than the Agenda.
Morpheus is launched automatically by any application that uses Morpheus'
services. Morpheus will stay active as long as a client application is
active or any Morpheus-alarms are scheduled. (The actual shutdown may
be delayed for 1 minute). So, usually you don't have to shutdown
Morpheus manually.
One of the beauties of the system is that Morpheus can serve many masters.
So if you use some of our products simultanously, still only one
copy of Morpheus will be active.
All our installations install Morpheus to the internal drive even if
you have chosen another system drive, because that is the best place.
Installing Morpheus to an SSD would cause later problems, because you
would not be able to reformat that disk without stopping Morpheus manually.
If you must, here is the way:
Install Morpheu2 to the system screen (see user manual)
Then press PSION-Z(S3) or SHIFT-PSION-X(S3a) to kill Morpheus.
If Morpheus was running it will respond with a beep and will die.
Deinstall Morpheus (see user manual).
To deinstall the application from you palmtop proceed as follows.
1. First backup your system.
2. If you don't have other applications that use Morpheus:
Stop Morpheus as described above.
Remove MORPHEU2.OPA and folder \MORPHEU2 from the folder M:\APP.
3. n.a.
4. If you do not have other applications from us (POC-appications)
remove the folder \APP\COMMON from the system drive.
5. Remove the file MUSIPOC.OPA and the folder MUSIPOC from
the folder \APP on the system drive.
6. Remove the datafolders TUN from the data drive(s).
7. Remove the license file MUSIPO.$$$ from the root directory M:\
You may use MusiPoc.WRD as an online documentation under Word.
Documentation in TUNPLAY and sound file format : see TUNPLAY.DOC
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