Mike Newman' Morse Trainer Version 3.1 Release 10 January 1994
This is a program to assist radio amateurs learning and practising
the morse code. It makes use of the sound facility on the Psion
Series 3A (It will not work with the older Series 3 which had
different sound facilities) to produce morse code sounds with varying
speed, volume and frequency. The program can be used initialy to
teach yourself the code and later to practice reading it with gradually
increasing speeds.
The zip file should contain the following files:-
1. MORSE.OPA The Morse Trainer program
2. MORSE.ODB The Morse code data file
3. README.TXT This file.
First, copy the file MORSE.OPA to a \APP\ directory on any drive.
Since this file is quite large, and does not change, if you have
a Flash Drive (A or B), this would be most suitable. If not, it will
run perfectly well from the Internal RAM Drive (M).
Next copy the file MORSE.ODB to a directory called \MORSE\ which must
be a subdirectory of an \APP\ directory on any drive. This file
contains the definitions of the Morse code and is read each time
the program is started. It need not be on the same drive as the
program, but must be in a directory with the name \APP\MORSE.
Now, all that remains is to install the program on the Series 3A
System screen. Highlight the icon to the left of which you would
like the Morse icon to appear and hit 'Psion Key+I'. Locate the
file 'Morse.opa' on whichever drive you installed it and hit 'Enter'.
The Morse Trainer icon (a Morse key symbol) should appear.
The first time you run the program, after a screen identifying the
author (which will disappear if you hit 'Esc' or 'Enter'), you should
see a message saying that the Morse Data is being read. After about
2 seconds the program proper should start. You will initially be
in the 'Learn' mode. The idea is that you listen to the morse signal
one character at a time and try to remember which character it
represents. When you think you know, check on the screen where
it will be displayed. Hit the 'Space Bar' for the next character
or 'r' to repeat the same one again. When you get bored with this
you can hit 'Esc' and try some other modes.
The various modes are briefly described in the online documentation
(hit the 'Help' key!). They are:-
Word Sequences Used to practice reading code
Learn Mode Used to learn reading individual characters
Key Input Used to learn individual character codes
String Input Used to learn reading text strings
Speed Calibrate Used in calibration (only needed for confidence!)
Send Each Char. Used to see the complete set in order.
In most modes, the 'Esc' key will show a suitable menu and there are
also certain Key Commands. This means that while the program is #
sending morse code, you can interupt by hitting a special key. For
example, to make the program send faster code, simply hit the Right
Arrow at the bottom right of the keyboard. All key Commands are listed
in the online documentation.
To quit the program, hit the 'Esc' key until you see a window asking
you if you want to quit. Now hit 'Y' to quit or 'N' to resume.
This program is 'Freeware' which means that it can be freely passed
on to friends etc but you may not charge anything other than the
distribution costs. Always pass the program in the ZIP form
containing the same original three files.
I Hope you enjoy the program. I welcome constructive ideas for
improvements. The easiest way to contact me is via Compuserve
where I am Mike Newman 100031,3232 or if using internet
send to 100031.3232@compuserve.com. Of course, you might hear me
on the air in CW mode on HF around 14.060 Mhz!! 78s from Mike.
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