HyperPoc 2.2 for PSION Series 3 and 3a is owned and
(c)Copyright 1993 by Berthold Daum.
All Rights Reserved.
Shareware version:
The shareware version is clearly recognisable in the "About" screen.
The version number has the appendix "(sh)" which the commercial version has not.
The shareware version may be distributed freely (not for resale)
only in its original form including this documentation.
| Warning!!!!!!! |
| This shareware version has been "crippled". |
| You cannot create more than 10 cards per stack. |
| This limit is removed on registration. |
For registration details see below.
Although HyperPoc has been extensively tested, the author shall not be
responsible for any loss of any kind due to its use. It is the
user's responsibility to establish the suitability of this
software for any particular purpose.
Registration of Shareware version
The registration fee is A$59.95 + A$6.00 for postage and handling.
We can send you a registration number by email, and send you the printed manual
and a floppy with all of our shareware by mail.
The price for the commercial version is A$99.00 + A$6.00 for postage and handling.
We can send you a ZIPPED version by email (add A$5.00), and send you the printed manual
and a floppy with the full version and all of our shareware by mail.
Please use the form ORDER.FRM. Post it via mail, email or FAX.
Registered users can upgrade to the next higher version (commercial, power pack)
by paying the price difference (plus postage).
! Hurry ! !
! We close shop during December ! !
! So register now or you have to !
! wait until January 95 ! !
Commercial version (S3a only)
The commercial version has additional functions:
- Multi language support
- extensive help texts
- Preview and preplay functions during card edition
- Import of TXT and WRD files into cards with automatic wrapping
- Significantly improved performance.
- More (and larger) icons
- Tunes in S3a format
- ProPoc HyperPoc connection (link ProPoc items to HyperPoc cards)
HyperPoc Version 2.24 - Release Notes
Program Description:
HyperPoc is a card oriented hypertext and hypermedia system.
Cards are organised in stacks (files).
Cards may be superimposed with backgrounds.
Cards and backgrounds can contain a variety of objects, such as:
application, bitmap (animated), card link, clock, explainer, hotTab, icon (animated),
keyword, music, phone number, polyline, rectangle, text.
Functions include:
Invocation of Series 3 applications, several navigation functions, phone dialling,
alarms, stopwatch.
Comes with over 30 icons and 20 tunes.
Storing a network of informations. Multimedia documents. Suggestion for those lucky persons
who have megabytes of word processor documents in their pockets:
Create a card with a short description and keywords for each document and place a button for
the document onto the card. Use the HyperPoc facilities to locate a documents, press the button
and your document shows up.
Use HyperPoc as a database, e.g. for addresses. You may include graphics, link an address to
another (e.g. a person to a company), display a clock with a time shift beside a phone number
for overseas addresses (you don't want to call them at 3am !), link a word processor document
to an address for a dossier of your last meeting, link an alarm clock to a person for her/his
birthday, and so on.
New in Version 2.2
1. Text editing has been improved, using faster routines
and a flashing cursor.
2. You can switch sounds off and on (Battery saver)
3. You can switch animation off (Battery saver)
4. The menus have been slighty rearranged.
5. There is a new function "Object Info" in retrieval mode
6. A new function "Import text" in the editor allows to place any text
coming from an ASCII or WORD file on a card.
Text emphasis from WORD files are maintained.
(commercial version)
7. You can now choose between different Card Sizes.
The cards may be smaller or bigger than the physical screen.
If they smaller they are piled on top of each other in a random
fashion. If they are bigger, they are scrolled with the cursor
movement, or you can scroll them with Control/Cursorkeys, to
look into non cursor areas.
8. Links to Application completely redesigned.
!!! This means that cards from earlier versions
containing links to OPA's must be reedited !!!
The benefit is greater flexibility and comfort when
linking OPA's.
9. Support of Grey colour. In HyperPoc Grey is simulated as a b&w
pattern. This is to save memory and keep the cards compatible
with the S3-HyperPoc.
10. New attributes for text and rectangle.
11. Optional return to retrieval mode after editing HotTab objects.
12. Optional help clues for cards (HyperPoc card system can
contain help information on cards)
13. Optional card lock to inhibit accidental editing of a card.
(Card attributes)
14. Improved cursor logic.
15. Background can be suppressed for individual cards
Bitmap printing (since V2.26)
Cards can now be printed in graphical form on Epson, HP and
compatible printers. However there are some things to consider:
- Alarm clocks contained on cards are not printed.
Instead a dummy icon is printed.
- You should not try to print graphical data via MCPRINT !
We experienced garbled output when printing through MCPRINT due to the
fact that MCPRINT supresses characters with ASCII code 17 !
Instead connect the printer directly to your PSION.
Or, assign a printfile via PSION-Y. You can print into any file and
later copy the file to your printer.
Alternatively you can specify a print port on you host as printfile,
e.g. REM::LPT1. This allows you to print directly through MCLINK.
The additional advantage is that you don't have to switch between MCPRINT
1. MacUsers only !!!
If you received HyperPoc on a floppy disc first convert the floppy to
Mac format (System Utilities).
If you received HyperPoc via an electronic network decompress it with
ZIPIT (found on your network). The standard UNZIP will cause errors.
In ZIPIT uncheck the box that says: "By default, smart-strip line feeds
from text files."
2. If you are running MORPHEUS (V1), first deactivate it:
Install it from the system screen (PSION-I)
Activate it (ENTER)
Stop it (DEL)
Deinstall it(PSION-Y)
3. Connect your Series3 computer to your PC or Mac.
Press PSION-L from the system screen to activate 3Link.
4. Position the cursor below the RunOpl icon. Press TAB.
Press TAB again to display the File specification list.
Under "Full Path" enter the full path of your installation
e.g: "REM::A:\" or "REM::C:\CSERVE\DOWNLOAD\"
5. Now select the file !setup3.opa (should be the first file in the directory)
and press enter. The installer icon appears on the system screen.
6. Activate SetUp. The screen goes blank for a few seconds. Don't panic.
7. Acknowledge the selected application "HyperPoc" by pressing enter.
8. The file transfer is started. If HyperPoc was installed before,
SetUp will start a dialog asking you if you want to
(Continue) = Overwrite existing version
(Other drive) = Install on another drive
(Options only) = Install option you did not install the first time.
9. SetUp asks you on which drive you want to install the system (HyperPoc)
and on which drive you usually keep your data.
We recommend flash memory for the system and RAM for data.
10. SetUp will ask you about optional modules. You can decide to install
them now, or you can leave it for later.
11.SetUp will give you instructions on how to proceed after the successful
The example program object IMPDATA in stack HYPERPOC accesses to a database file
M:\DAT\DATA.DBF (or M:\DAT\DATEN.DBF). You may want to reassign this file
by editing the IMPDATA object.
Remarks on Morpheu2:
Morpheu2 is the alarm and help handler for all ..Poc applications.
The above installation procedure installs it automatically on the
internal drive where it is located best.
Morpheu2 will automatically be started by the applications that use it.
It can serve more than one application at the same time.
As long as alarms are scheduled or Morpheu2 clients are active, Morpheu2
will run as a low priority task in the background.
!! You should not try to stop it unless you want to reformat the disk !!
If you installed Morpheu2 on an external drive and you want to
reformat this drive, you have first to stop Morpheu2:
To do so: Install Morpheu2 from the system screen (PSION-I)
Then press PSION-Z(S3) or SHIFT-PSION-X(S3a).
Morpheu2 will respond with a beep and die.
Deinstall Morpheu2 with PSION-Y.
Please see the Installation utility for disk requirements.
When active, the system requires >23k of memory, depending on the size of bitmaps used.
MORPHEUS requires constantly 10k of memory.
We recommend to install the system (except MORPHEUS), the manual, the icons and tunes
on flash SSD.
The total amount of flash memory necessary for a full installation
is approximately 150k.
Compression and Garbage collection
Deleting and updating cards can cause physical gaps in stacks stored on Flash SSD.
Deleting objects referring to external files, such as icons, bitmaps, applications, and card links
to other stacks, and deleting cards containing such objects, can cause garbage within stacks.
This garbage can be removed using the compress function (PSION-Z). This function
includes a physical compression step. It can be used anytime for stack stored on RAM-SSD
or internal disk. It should be used for stack contained on Flash SSD only during a
reorganisation of the disk (it might be necessary to copy the stack first to RAM-SSD
or internal disk if the Flash SSD cannot provide the space for the new stack version).
Use MANUAL.STA as an online documentation.
Simply place the highlight on the italic keywords using the cursor keys, press Enter and move around from card to card.
However, you may also use other navigation methods like PSON-F,-G,-R, etc.
For a more comprehensive documentation in traditional printed form you will have to register.
Use HPIF.DOC as a documentation for the interface for user written
program objects. HPIF.DOC contains the latest information and may differ
in parts from the manual.
Runtime License
If you plan to develop and to distribute own stacks, you need to distribute
the HyperPoc runtime system as well.
You have to register for the professional version, to be entitled to
distribute the HyperPoc runtime system freely.
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