* Solo 1.0 (Jan 93) : Solitaire for Psion 3 *
This program may be freely distributed and is provided
without any form of warrenty.
Solo implements a number of variants on Solitaire,
the single player card game. It is my attempt to
create the most convoluted OPL program every written
by a single person.
Copy the "SOLO" directory into "\APP" directory on the
On the "System" screen use "Install application" in the
"Apps" menu.
Press the <Tab> key to get a listing of the "\APP"
Select "\APP\SOLO\" to see the contents, once in "\APP\SOLO\"
select "SOLO.OPA", this will return you to the
"Install application" dialog.
If you now press the <Return> key Solo will be installed on
your "System" screen.
The Game
The game is the standard single player card game, build the
suit piles up, descending piles in alternate colours.
How to play
The <Help> key should give enough of a hint about playing.
Other bits
The source code is all in the "OPL" directory, however given
the fact that
1 It is more than 20k
2 It is in OPL
3 It was hacked together between meals over Christmas
I would suggest you only look at it if you are really interested.
Feel free to lift any good ideas I may have had.
Paying for it
If you like the game send me a copy of your favorite Psion 3
program, if you REALLY like the game send me your second
Bugs and suggestions
By email to steve@geosys.co.uk
By mail to 68 Gloucester Drive, Basingstoke, RG22 4PH, UK.
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