WAR - for the Psion Series 3a & 3c - V 1.0 released 27th MAy 97.
War is a arcade/strategy game, a cross between 'Worms' & 'Command & Conquor'.
If you have any problem with installing or running this program, check that you
are using the latest version, which, along with all my other programs, can be
downloaded from my homepage:
Make sure that you have followed the instructions correctly, (you would not
believe how many people have written to me complaining that one of my programs
does not work, only to find that they had misread the instructions).
To install it copy WAR.APP into the APP directory on any device, then
create a directory either M:\PSITECHA\, A:\PSITECHA\, OR B:\PSITECHA\.
If you have any of my other programs, then use your existing PSITECHA directory,
you may only have 1 PSITECHA directory. If when later copying files your Psion
reports that a file already exists, select 'overwrite'.
If you dont know how to create the directorys, instructions follow:-
Press the SYSTEM button
Press the MENU key
Under 'Disk' select 'Make directory' and press Enter
Next to 'Name' type APP
Select the disk you wish to use, 'Internal, A or B' and press Enter
Now use the same method to create a directory called PSITECHA, this time typing
PSITECHA next to 'Name' instead of APP
The PSITECHA directory does not need to be on the same disk as the APP directory
For a FULL INSTALLATION (107k), copy all the remaining files except this one
(README.TXT) into the PSITECHA directory.
For a SMALL INSTALLATION (60k), copy as above, but do not copy the files ending
with .SDN except for Z1.SDN, HA.SDN, Z4.SDN, BA.SDN and OS.SDN.
For a MINIMUM INSTALLATION (39k), as above, but do not copy any files ending
with .SDN. (If you can spare the space, copy Z1.SDN)
Once the files have been copied, press SYSTEM, then MENU, then select INSTAll,
select WAR.APP and press ENTER. An icon for WAR will then appear, select this to
begin the game. Instructions on how to play are in the game, just press the Help
key, once the program has started.
Don't forget to visit my Home Page and download all my other programs at:
For full details about registation, Press the Help key while the program is
running, and select 'How to register'. This programs SWREG code is: 15437.
I can be emailed at 72016.1651@compuserve.com
If you like this program, please register, I have been trying to make a living
by writing full time for the range of Psion PDA's, but unless I start receiving
more registrations than I have been, I will soon stop writing software.
By registering, you do not just get this program, but encorage me to create
lots of new programs for you to enjoy.
Have fun...
Ben Vaughan.