**** SHANGAI Version 1.2 ****
Copyright Jean-Philippe PASQUIER - Tedco 1997
SHANGAI is a game for PSION.
Base on Mah-Jong tiles, it's a memory style game.
It had been designed on PSION 3a, but should run on 3c and would'nt on Siena.
I - Shareware :
SHANGAI is a shareware. It means that :
- If, after a period of test, you decide to keep it, you have to contribute to the author (see "About" by typing Help key).
- You can freely distribute this software unmodified and including every files of the package.
II - Installation
6 files are in the SHANGAI package :
- Shangai.opa
- Shang1.dat
- Shang2.dat
- Shang3.dat
Installation steps :
1 - copy Shangai.opa in the APP\ (M:\APP\) directory
2 - Create a sub-directory in APP\ : SHANGAI\
3 - Copy Shang1.dat in the APP\SHANGAI\ directory
4 - Copy Shang2.dat in the APP\SHANGAI\ directory
5 - Copy Shang3.dat in the APP\SHANGAI\ directory
6 - Install Shangai.opa (Psion-I)
Everything is explain in the software : type 'help'
Of course, use also the menu key to return / go to the menu.
IV - Versions
v 1.1 - 03/97
* Pointer bug fixed : first time, pointer was invisible !!
* Help screen : rules had been completed
* Tiles set : Now you can choose your tiles set. The new one is more comfortable for your eyes !
v 1.2 - 04/97
* Acceleration of tiles redraw by a factor of 2 !
* Sound (on/off) when selecting the second tile
* You can now ask Shangai to suggest you a move.
* Improved Help screens
For any comments, bug reports, ... jppasquier@kagi.com or jppasquier@calva.net
Jean-Philippe PASQUIER
web : www.kagi.com/jppasquier/
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