Version 1.01
(C) Copyright Colt Tech, 1995
This document contains notes for the SPL Calculator
Version 1.01 for Psion 3A.
As the information contained within this program is based on
manufacturers published data, the Author takes no responsibility for
its' authenticity or the accuracy of any calculations based on
said data
The disk and programmes contained in it have been virus checked at
source. However, the Author takes no responsibility for any bugs or viruses
which may arise from using this program and the program is run at the
operators own risk.
How to Use This Document
To view README.TXT on screen in Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad
To print README.TXT, open it in Windows Write, Microsoft Word, or another
word processor. Then select the entire document and format the text in
10-point Courier before printing.
Read Part 1 - Software Installation Information - before installing.
Part Description
---- -----------
1 Software Installation Information
2 About the SPL Calculator
3 SPL Calculator
4 Speaker review, mods and entry
5 Printing to file
6 Cable line loss calculator
7 Cable data modifications
8 Printing
9 Conversions
10 Shareware registration
Part 1: Software Installation Information
Both these programmes need approximately 70K free memory
to run.
PATools comprises TWO applications;
Sound Pressure Level Calculator
Cable line loss calculator
Both or either of these programmes can be loaded onto the PSION
and some of the files are shared. It is possible to create a PATools
GROUP with PATool.IBX as the icon (see the Psion handbook for more
To install either of the PATools create a PATOOLS subdirectory off the
APP directory where the program is to be loaded. Load the following files
into yourPsion 3A in the appropriate directory:
For the SPL Programme only install the following
README.TXT This file
Speakers.OPA 12.9K \APP The SPL prog
PATool.IBX 600 \APP The program icon
Cabinet.DBF 3K \APP\PATOOLS Database
Horn.DBF 3K \APP\PATOOLS Database
Ceiling.DBF 3K \APP\PATOOLS Database
Conv.OPO 7K \APP\PATOOLS Conversions
Database.OPO 2K \APP\PATOOLS Database handling
For the Cable loss calculator only install the following
README.TXT This file
Cable.OPA 12.4K \APP The Line Loss prog
PATool.IBX 600 \APP The program icon
Cable.DBF 400 \APP\PATOOLS Cable database
Conv.OPO 7K \APP\PATOOLS Conversions
Database.OPO 2K \APP\PATOOLS Database handling
For BOTH install the following
README.TXT This file
Speakers.OPA 12.9K \APP The SPL prog
Cable.OPA 12.4K \APP The Line Loss prog
PATool.IBX 600 \APP The program icon
Cabinet.DBF 3K \APP\PATOOLS Database
Horn.DBF 3K \APP\PATOOLS Database
Ceiling.DBF 3K \APP\PATOOLS Database
Cable.DBF 400 \APP\PATOOLS Cable database
Conv.OPO 7K \APP\PATOOLS Conversions
Database.OPO 2K \APP\PATOOLS Database handling
You need 44K of free space on the disk for the full installation
Part 2: About the SPL Calculator
The SPL calculator is a tool to aid designers of Public Address
installations by calculating sound pressure levels for
a range of speakers.
For the SPL Calculations three databases are provided (for Horns/
Projectors, Cabinets/Columns and Ceiling/Suspension) each containing
the following information;
Part number
Speaker name
Tappings available (up to 6)
Sensitivity (dB @ 1W1m)
The databases are opened by selecting from the MENU
Horns <Psi H>
Ceiling <Psi C>
Cabinet <Psi B>
The user calls up an item from the databases provided and uses these
to form the basis of the calculations. The results can
be exported to a text file.
Part 3: Sound Pressure Level Calculator
The Screen
The SPL Calculator screen can be split into two areas;
Data Input
Data Input
Speaker database. Three databases are provided (for Horns/
Projectors <PSION H>, Cabinets/Columns <PSION B> and Ceiling/Suspension
Speaker part no. This is shows the part number of the selected speaker
with the Manufacturers name (if supplied). To select a new speaker use
<Psion S>
Description. The description associated with the accessed speaker
Sensitivity. The sensitivity is given in dB @ 1W1m. This data
is supplied from the database. The figure can be updated in the
calculator screen without affecting the database.
To enter a different sensitivity to that supplied in the database
use <PSION V>
Distance to subject (r). Enter the straight line distance in meters
to the listener (ie apply Pythagorous if the subject is at an angle).
The results are automatically re-calculated if this figure is
changed. Enter the distance using the DATA menu <PSION D>
Required SPL at r. Enter the Sound Pressure Level required at the
listener position. Enter the SPL using the DATA menu <PSION D>
Off axis angle. Enter the off axis angle of the listener. A general
angular response has been allocated to each speaker group as follows;
30 degrees +0dB
60 degrees +6dB
90 degrees +14dB
120 degrees +16dB
150 degrees +20dB
180 degrees +20dB
30 degrees +1dB
60 degrees +5dB
90 degrees +8dB
120 degrees +12dB
150 degrees +15dB
180 degrees +15dB
30 degrees +2dB
60 degrees +5dB
90 degrees +8dB
120 degrees +13dB
150 degrees +15dB
180 degrees +15dB
Enter the angle using the DATA menu <PSION D>
SPL @ 1m. The Sound Pressure Level 1m from the speaker needed to
achieve the SPL at the listener.
Theoretical tap. The tapping required to achieve the SPL at
the listener.
Actual Tap. The closest tapping available on the speaker
selected. This figure can be manually set (for example is non standard
speaker is being used).
Actual SPL. The SPL at the listener achieved with
the speaker set at the ACTUAL tap.
Part 4: Speaker data review, modification and entry
Speaker data is contained in the following files
Review, modify or add speakers in the DATA application.
There are a number of rules associated with the databases:
The programme does not allow blank text fields (ie
Description or Manufacturer. Use a <SPACE>
TAP 1 is the HIGHEST available tap down to the LOWEST in
TAP 6.
ALL the TAP fields must be used. If there are less than 6 taps
the last fields MUST contain the LOWEST tap.
A small application is included in the programme called ReOrder
<PSION L> which puts the selected database into NAME order. This is
useful as any changes to the databases messes the order.
Part 5: Printing to File <PSION P>
The PRINT>FILE option allows the user to print to a TEXT file.
The calculator allows the user to save the results
into a file which can be read in Word. Once opened the file is
ammended each time it is printed to allowing multiple results
to be saved.
IMPORTANT; If a file already exists when the calculator is started it
will generate a new file with the same name and NOT ammend it.
Part 6: Cable Line loss calculator
The Line Loss Calculator works out the loss at each speaker on a NON LOOP
BACK speaker circuit. It bases the calculation on cable attenuation,
average speaker tapping and spacing.
The calculator uses a database of cable characteristics which can
be updated.
The screen comprises a number of areas
Cable spec (single and dual cable options)
System Data
Cable spec
If a dual cable solution in required use the TWO CABLE <PSION T>
option. This brings up two cable selections
Cable Cross Section; To call up a standard cable from the data
choose CABLE <PSION C> from the menu. The calculate function is
carried out automatically on each selection
Impedence; Calling a standard cable inserts the figure. This
figure can be changed manually using the IMPEDENCE <PSION I> from
the menu
Distance to first speaker/end of first cable; Enter the distance
from the amplifier in meters.
(If TWO CABLE option chosen). Distance to first speaker; This is the distance
in meters from the end of the first cable to the first speaker.
Average speaker tapping; Entered in Watts.
Total number of speakers
Average speaker spacing; Distance in meters between speakers (not
including the distance to the first speaker).
Amplifier line voltage <PSION V>
The main results box gives the loss at the speaker furthest from the
amplifier. Also given is the new effective power of the speaker
(ie the loss of the line has the same effect as reducing the tapping
at the speaker)
Part 7: Cable data modification and entry
The Cable Data is kept in a standard database which can be updated with
the Psion DATA application. The database should be Re-Ordered <PSION L>
when changed
Part 8: Printing <PSION P>
The print option allows the user to print to a file.
The calculator allows the user to save the results
into a file which can be read in WORD or imported into
most Word Processors. Once opened the file is ammended each
time it is printed to allowing multiple results to be saved.
IMPORTANT; If a file already exists when the calculator is started it
will generate a new file with the same name and not ammend it.
Cable Line Loss Calculator
Prints the results as seen on the screen Plus the line loss list.
Loss list; This is a list of the losses at all the speakers on the line
(starting at the speaker closest to the amplifier).
Part 9: Conversions
Some useful conversions are available from the Conversions
menu <PSION N>. This brings up the menu. To return to the
tapping calculator select Return <PSION U>
The conversions include;
Length (m > cm > inches > feet > yards)
Area (m sq > sq feet > sq yards)
Volume (m cu> cu feet > cu yards)
Acoustics (RASTI > %ALcons)
Some useful standards are available from the
Conversion menu including;
Absorbtion of Materials
Common Reverberation Times
Part 10: Shareware Registration
PA Tools V1.01 1995 from Colt Tech is SHAREWARE, not free
software. If you continue to use PA Tools you MUST register.
Registration removes the "Pain" screen, removes the limit
on the no of items loaded from the databases (set at 20 for
unregistered users) and allows printing of results to file.
It is as simple as entering a special key-code at the Register
menu <PSION R>
To register send 10 Pounds Stirling to;
I.Penson,42 The Colts,Bishops Stortford,
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