Pipecalc is a program for the Psion 3A which calculates data for pipes of a circular section. It is based on the Colebrooke-White method which is in common use in the United Kingdom.
Pipecalc can be used to calculate flow in a circular section of known size or to calculate a pipe diameter for a known flow. The program also shows the capacity, spare capacity and self cleansing velocity (which can be changed from the default 0.76m/s) and relationship of surface roughness to 15mm as a simple graphical bar for ease of use.
Although Pipecalc is supplied as free to use software, I'd appreciate your registering it with me. So, after you've used it a couple of times, please fill out the form in the registration section below and e-mail it to me at 101735.3054@compuserve.com
The pcalc.zip file includes the following files:
README.TXT ---> This file
PIPES.OPA ---> Copy to your APP directory
PCALC.PIC ---> Copy this to your OPD directory
Once the files are copied, hold down the Psion key and press the I key in the system screen and select PIPES.OPA. This will install the PCALC application and icon to your system screen.
This software is offered for your own use without any fee being payable to the writer. You are free to use Pipecalc for business or private use in any way you wish and at your own risk (see disclaimer below). The only limitations are that you do not pass the program files off as your own and, if you redistribute it, you only provide the original zip file completely intact and on a non-profit making basis.
The Pipecalc software is copyright 1996 Andrew Thomas.
In no event will I be liable to you for any damages,including lost profits,
lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your
use or inability to use the program, or any other claim by any other party.
Any use of Pipecalc is at your own risk.
Please take a little time to fill out this form and e-mail it to me. If you don't want to fill in a particular section, please skip it.
SEND TO : 101735.3054@compuserve.com
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FROM : Please put your e-mail address here
Where did you obtain Pipecalc? :
Do you think free software is a good thing? : Yes / No
Where do you use Pipecalc? : At home / In work / Both
Do you find it useful? : Yes / No / Not sure
Will you continue using it? : Yes / No / Not sure
Would you like to see it developed further? : Yes / No / Don't care
If you answered yes to the last question, please give me an idea below of what you would like to see changed/added:
Please feel free to add some lines below to tell me more about your use and opinion of the Pipecalc program:
If it is of a high enough quality, would you use free software in preference to commercial packages, even though you won't get the same support? :
Yes / No / Maybe
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Another SiliAnSoft program!
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