CPOC C Development System for the Psion 3a
Version 0.80
15th November, 1995
This is the second release of CPOC. CPOC is an ANSI C
compiler for use on the Psion 3a (and compatibles). Unlike
the SIBO C SDK available from Psion, CPOC runs on the
Psion 3a rather than on a PC attached via 3-link.
At this release only the CPOC front-end, pre-processor and
C syntax check options are being released. We had hoped to
make more available, but have been running into technical
difficulties in the implementation. The current release does
not provide a full C development system, and is expected to
act as a supplement to a system based on some less portable
Despite this limitation, you are likely to find that CPOC
is very useful as it does not just provide checking for
correct ANSI C syntax, but also includes extensive warnings
concerning dubious or questionable coding practices. The
level of warning detail is under user control so that you can
decide how pedantic you wish the compiler phase to be.
The CPOC system is an ANSI C development system for use on the
Psion 3a (and compatible machines). For those who wonder where
we derived the name CPOC, it is merely a bit of a play on both
EPOC (the name of the Psion 3a operating system) and "C in my
Pocket" as a description of how it might be used.
The base CPOC system (the "Starter Kit") is sufficient to allow
you to edit and syntax check C code. It does not include
facilities for actually generating code from the C source.
The "CPOC Starter Kit" consists of the following components:
- CPOC Front end for running the system
- CPP Pre-processor phase
- C86 Compiler phase (syntax checking only)
The CPOC system can also make use of the ELVIS 'vi' style editor.
We released the Psion 3a port of this some weeks ago.
We are working on producing the "CPOC Code generator" kit
that is needed if you actually want to be able to generate code
on the Psion 3a. As mentioned above we have run into certain
technical difficulties and may not be able to complete this part
of the system as we had hoped. It is planned to consist of the
following additional components:
- C86 Compiler (syntax checking and code generation)
- AS86 assembler phase
- LD86 linker phase
Another part of the planned final system (if it ever gets there)
would be the "CPOC Library" kit consisting of the following:
- Header files
- Psion specific libraries
- Library manager and archiver
Finally there are miscellaneous tools that would be useful.
Examples are:
- The MAKE project automation tool
- A program debugging environment
If we cannot produce all the above to run natively hosted on
the Psion 3a, we could still possibly produce much of it to
run hosted on a PC. Feedback on whether this is actually
likely to be of use would be welcomed. Our current thinking
is that most potential users in the PC environment would
probably already use the existing Psion SIBO C SDK.
The CPOC system will NOT run on a minimal Psion configuration.
If your system does not meet the at least the specifications
mentioned below, then there is no real point in even trying to
get it to run.
A recommended minimum system would have the following
available (either built in or via SSD's):
- At least 512K of base memory. This implies at least one
of the following models.
Psion 3a 512K
Psion 3a 1Mb
Psion 3a 2Mb
- About 150Kb of space for the base CPOC software. Flash SSD
is suitable for this. If you add in optional components
as well the size can grow to around 300Kb.
- Additional RAM space for source files and temporary files.
Typically a value of about 200-300Kb is sufficient, although
if you have alot of source on-line you might require more.
- Space for any system header files you require. This would
typically be held on Flash SSD.
You will see from the above that you should not expect to be
able to use the CPOC system on a minimal Psion 3a system. In
practice, we (using 3a/512K models) find that the ideal
configuration is about 0.5Mb RAM SSD (or more) for source files
and temporary files, and about 0.5Mb Flash or RAM SSD (or more)
for the system files such as the programs and include files.
The CPOC system will not, therefore, run on the Psion 3a 256Kb
model or the older Psion 3 as these do not have sufficient memory.
The "CPOC Starter Kit" comprises of the following files:
README.TXT Overview and installation instructions
CPOC.APP front-end to the system
CPP.IMG Pre-Processor
C86CHECK.IMG Compiler with no code generation.
CPOC.INI Global Preferences file
The recommended place to put all the CPOC files is to create
a \CPOC directory on any drive and put all the program files
into this directory. You can then install the CPOC.APP
program using the Psion-I method.
It is not necessary for all the CPOC software to be on one
drive. The system will automatically search the \CPOC
directory on all drives for any component. There are also
a number of other places that are searched if not found here.
For more details read the on-line help built into the CPOC
program (press Psion-I for program location information).
In particular it is recommended that the CPOC.INI file be
placed in a \CPOC\ directory on a RAM drive. This file holds
your global preferences, and will be updated dynamically
as you change such preferences. Also while the CPOC system
is in use you will create various project files (with .PRJ
file extension). These should ideally be placed in the same
location as the CPOC.INI file
The basic CPOC system is designed to be used without the
need for comprehensive documentation. We have therefore
put all the information we think you will need for basic
use of the system into the form of on-line help built
into the CPOC front-end program.
Once you have installed the CPOC front-end, pressing HELP
should give you (we hope) enough information to use the
system effectively. The HELP is (where relevant) context
sensitive so that pressing HELP while on a dialog or menu
option will bring up help specifically on that topic.
If you think there is important additional material that
we need to include in the help system then please let us
know what it is.
At a later stage we will make available detailed documentation
for each of the programs underlying the CPOC system. These
will be made available as separate items as only advanced
users should (we hope) need this level of documentation.
We have not included any basic information on C and how to
program in C. We expect any prospective user to either
already have this or to be prepared to obtain it from a
suitable source such as a library or bookshop.
We have not (as yet anyway) provided any header files. At this
point it is not possible to generate runnable code using CPOC
in isolation, so we expect users of this version of CPOC to be
using it as an adjunct to a C compiler that is already being
used on some other machine. On that basis you should copy the
header files from this other machine to the Psion to use them
in conjunction with CPOC.
If there is demand, we can easily provide a set of header files
that include definitions of all the items defined by ANSI
and/or POSIX. These would not, however, include Psion specific
Psion have also graciously given permission to distribute
include files based on material in the Psion C SDK. For this
release we have decided not to do so as we expect any serious
users would have access to the C SDK, and can copy these
include files themselves. However, we are prepared to
reconsider that decision based upon any feedback that we
might get. Be warned that the full set of Psion header files
is very large - particularily if you include the OOPS oriented
ones as well.
While the CPOC system is running, it will create temporary
files to pass between various stages of the compiler. There
must be sufficient space on the device set in the user
preferences to hold these temporary files. It is recommended
that you avoid using drive M: for these temporary files as
this would impact the space available for the programs to
It is intended that the CPOC software will be made available on
a shareware basis. As the software is still under active
development, you can currently use the CPOC software for free.
For this release you can use the following registration key:
This key will stop working when we make the 1.0 release of
CPOC. We would welcome, however, any feedback on the methods
we have used to encourage registration. We think we have
struck a good balance between not crippling the software, but
also giving just enough incentive to make regular users decide
to register.
If by any chance anyone thinks that CPOC is already good
enough to register even though it is not yet a requirement,
then we will treat such voluntary contributions as counting
towards the shareware registration fee for the 1.0 release
(probably counting double for being so honest!). We have not
yet decided on the registration fee, but were thinking that
something like 20 ($30) would be about right - again
feedback on whether you think would be prepared to register
the finished product at this price.
The source is not generally distributed as it is very
large (several meagabytes in size). The source for the
everything except the CPOC front-end are available if
you want them. To obtain such source then please
use one of the contact routes mentioned for feedback.
- Large files may fail to compile due to the memory constraints
that are imposed on Psion programs. This limitation can
be avoided if you keep down the size of your source files,
and (most important) you limit the number of header files
that you include.
In particular, it is not possible to compile Psion Object
Oriented programs if they include the <hwimman.g> header
file (which then includes LOTS of other header files)
due to these memory constraints. This constraint can
sometimes be avoided by only including those headers that
you actually really need.
Feedback will be welcomed. For details on the various methods
whereby we can be contacted look up the help on the "About"
menu item while running the CPOC front-end program.
The CPOC system is (c)Copyright 1995 by
K. D. Walker
and D. J. Walker
All rights reserved.
Although CPOC has been extensively tested, the authors shall
not be responsible for any loss of any kind due to its use. It
is the user's responsibility to establish the suitability of
the CPOC software for the use to which it to be put.
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