********************** SIERRA 5.0 GPS Moving-Map & CDI Demo ***************************
This inter-active Demo simulates the Moving-Map and CDI module of a Flight-Planning and
real-time navigation program called SIERRA 5.0, which displays this information when the
S3a is connected to a GPS receiver via the 3-Link.
Unzip the archive and place 'Mov_map.opa' in an \APP\ directory on any device,
install in the usual way.
Create a sub-directory from \APP\ called \MAP_DEMO\ on the same device and place all
.opo .odb .rsc and .pic files here. (7 files)
When a flight-plan is completed using SIERRA 5.0 software and your Series 3a is connected
to an NMEA 0183 compatible GPS receiver, this Demo shows the displays you will see.
The data as normally received from the satellites, is simulated, but the displays are as
the program really looks.
For this demo a flight-plan has been prepared as follows:
Biggin Hill EGKB - VRP M25/A1 (transiting the London City Zone)
- SVFR corridor through Luton Zone - Northampton EGBK - Leicester EGBG
This Demo shows an aircraft closely following the planned route.
Some minor off track errors are deliberately introduced to show the effect.
The groundspeed is assumed to be 120kts for all legs.
The database accompanying this Demo is limited to the local area of the Flight-Plan.
If you select a new destination using 'Go-To' the demo displays as if the aircraft has
turned onto the new track.
For this demo UTC time is taken as system time set on your s3a.
Displays as follows:
Waypoint number and name (The next wpt is auto-selected as you pass each wpt)
Hdg...magnetic hdg to steer to maintain trk (based on w/v used in flight-plan)
Rng...range to wpt (nm)
Gsp...ground speed (kts)
Trk...current actual track(m) made good
UTC...UTC time
ETE...time to wpt
ETA...time of arrival at wpt
Lat/Lon of actual position
The CDI initially displays in ENR mode where each dot represents 1nm off track, press
'Space bar' to toggle APP mode (each dot .25nm)
The OBS is initially set to planned Trk(m) but can be changed with cursor keys.
(Psion+cursor for 10 deg change)
Press 'Enter' to reference all data to following wpt (not available in this demo)
Press 'Diamond' for Go To function.
Enter a minimum of 4 letters of the name of diversion (2/3 if NDB\VOR).
The display now references to this diversion.
Press 'Esc' for main Menu
Select either 'Airfields/Wpts only' or 'Plus Navaids' depending on what information
you want displayed.
The left hand side displays the map with planned tracks and a nautical mile scale
at the base. The flashing cursor represents your aircraft position.
Airfields and user-defined waypoints are represented by small circles, Navaids are shown
with crosses.
The right hand side displays the following data:
Waypoint number and name. (the next wpt is auto-selected as you pass each wpt)
Trk...magnetic track of planned leg.
Xte...cross track error left or right (nm).
QDM...magnetic track to waypoint from actual position.
Gsp...ground speed (kts).
Rng...Range to waypoint (nm).
UTC...UTC time
ETE...time to waypoint.
ETA...arrival time at waypoint.
Mini-CDI display where each dot represents 1nm off track.
Lat/Lon of actual position.
Press 'Menu' to toggle ICAO names or full names
Press 'Tab' to zoom map in or out (15 levels).
Press 'Diamond' to Go to (divert) to any destination in database.
Enter a minimum of 4 letters of the name (2/3 if NDB/VOR).
The map is redrawn showing the track to diversion.
To recover original plan Press 'Esc' and select refresh from Menu.
(not available in Demo)
Prices....(supplied on SSD with booklet instructions)
72.34 UKP (flight-planning only) +VAT = 85.00 UKP
110.63 UKP (plus GPS module)...(limited controlled airspace) +VAT = 130.00 UKP
131.91 UKP (as above with all UK low-level controlled airspace) +VAT = 155.00 UKP
(Post & Packaging fully inclusive in U.K. only)
............Also available 'Odyssey 1.06' comprehensive Pilots Logbook
............All PSION accessories supplied at 10% or more discount.
For more information on this software or a full spec brochure of the Flight-Planning
part, please contact:
NavTech Software
17 Neuchatel Road
London SE6 4EH
Fax/Phone +44 (0)181-291-5475
Colin Porteous 100276,2232@compuserve.com
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