Patients 1.01 is owned and (c)Copyright 1994 by Nic Chilton.
All Rights Reserved.
This program is shareware and requires registration if you
continue to use at after 3 weeks (see below).
Patients Version 1.01 - Release Notes
You may want to use the file PATINSTL. First change the drive letters to
your requirements, then call under MCLINK "@PATINSTL".
Then install the application via PSION-I.
Application Description:
Patients is based on the card game of the same name. A standard pack of
52 cards is shuffled and dealt into seven row stacks. The number of
cards in each stack increasing from 1 to 7 going from left to right.
The top card of each stack is placed faced up the rest are face down.
The cards that are left form the deck.
The aim of the game is to build on the columns placing a card of the
oposite colour and the next number down e.g. 5 of Hearts can go on a
6 of Spades or Clubs, and ultimately take cards off of the columns (or
deck) to build four suit stacks ace up.
Files you should find:
Patients.app The application program. Put it in an APP (or any) directory
Patients.hlp An extensive Help module that goes in the same directory
as the application. It is optional, the .APP uses a brief
help if it cannot find the .HLP
Patients.fon A font file. Put this in the OPD directory on the same
disk as the others
Patients is Shareware, if you like the product then please register it.
The cost is 10 pounds and send cheques made payable to a British bank,
Eurocheques, or money orders (no credit cards numbers please) to:-
N. Chilton
21 Nowell St.
Leeds. LS9 6HS.
In return I will send you a code that will tell the program that you are
a registered user, and disable the NAG screens.
You also will have the right to use all future versions of Patients
free of charge.
Other products:
Ttable is a weekly Timetable facility for students or others who require one.
It allows you to set a standard lunchhour, tells you where the next lesson
is, shows your whole table over two screens, takes up about only 5k of
memory, and allows you to exit to the system screen leaving it 'open'
(although you can do this by using the Touch panel, most of mine doesn't
respond, and its easier if you just have to press a key!)
Phondy is an application for use in the U.K. It updates your database files
with the new codes that come into effect in April 1995.
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