

CMEasy Version 3.0 Copyright (c) USEFUL SOFTWARE 1996 Introduction ============ CMEasy is a programme based on an idea by Terry Irwin MD., FRCS Consultant Surgeon, for originally recording CME events (Continuing Medical Education) using the PSION 3a/c. Since its original release it has changed somewhat to become more generic so as to enable anyone who has a PSION 3a/c and the need to manage and report continuing self improvement to do so using CMEasy. CMEasy is basically a database allowing you to store common reularly occurring events. The events can be edited and deleted etc. The main thrust of the programme is the facility to insert/bring these events into the standard AGENDA programme. CMEasy then filters the AGENDA file for any "Undefined" events and asks you to indicate whether the event was attended or not. A report can then be produced of the events which were, or were not attended along with a total of time spent at the categorised events. The programme also has the feature of a second page with user defined fields. You can define the fields as Numeric, Character or Picklist. Numeric defined fields are automatically totalled (for use with CME/CPD credits etc). The generated report is then exported to the WORD application for further editing or a straight print-out. Shareware =========== CMEasy is shareware and as such is based on the concept of "Try before you buy". You are encouraged to copy this programme onto friends and colleagues machines/post to bulletin boards etc for other PSION users to try it out. The programme automatically detects if the PSION user is a registered CMEasy user. The unregistered mode limits the amount of records available for storage and does not allow you to print a report, there is also the occasional nag message that will keep popping up to remind you to register. CMEasy V2 has been enthusiatically received and V3's new features are a result of suggestions by registered users. Version 3 has also fixed all reported minor bugs. Please feel free to report back any suggestions for improvements extra features or discovered bugs for possible future releases. System Requirements ==================== In order to install CMEasy you will need a Psion Series 3a/c pocket computer with at least 82K of free disk storage space. You will need about an additional 120k of free internal RAM to fully run CMEasy version 3. Installation/Removal ==================== The CMEasy programme can be installed onto any local drive and must reside on the same drive as the supplied CMEasy *.PRG programme files. You must firstly create a new directory on your PSION called CMEASY3\MINIPRGS. This can be done by selecting "Make Directory" from your main system screen and type (Drive letter A,B orM):\CMEASY3\MINIPRGS N.B THE SUPPLIED MINI PROGRAMME FILES MUST RESIDE ON THE SAME DRIVE AS CMEASY3.APP EXISTING USERS WILL HAVE TO REMOVE OLD ICON OF CMEasy FROM THE SYSTEM SCREEN BEFORE INSTALLING THE NEW VERSION. Here are the files stored in CMEasy.ZIP and where they should go on your S3a: File Description Target directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMEASY3.APP Main program file \APP\ CSEARCH3.PRG Searches database \CMEASY\MINIPRGS DEAD3.PRG Add/Edit \CMEASY\MINIPRGS PRINTXT3.PRG Print report \CMEASY\MINIPRGS SYSTEM3.PRG Setup \CMEASY\MINIPRGS VIEWAGN3.PRG Scan Agenda App \CMEASY\MINIPRGS VIEWHIS3.PRG View history \CMEASY\MINIPRGS UDFG3.PRG User defined field generator/manager \CMEASY\MINIPRGS TYPE3.PRG Type/UDF manager \CMEASY\MINIPRGS README.TXT This file The above directories can be created on any local drive (Internal, A or B). 1. Install CMEasy.APP on the System Screen. 2. Copy the above files into their respective directories. N.B The above files must reside on the same drive as the CMEasy application file. To remove CMEASY from your machine, undo all of the above operations and remove the \CMEASY\ directory with all files and subdirectories it contains. Install the CMEasy on the system screen using Install from the main system screen. Opening screen of CMeasy ======================== When you open CMeasy for the first time you are presented with an information screen to fill in: User Name : This will display ****UNREGISTERED***** and you are unable to change this until you register. Title : The title you wish to appear at the top of CMEasy title screen ie "CME Event Records" or "IoME Event Records" or "CPD Event Records" etc Agenda File : The agenda file that you wish to use in conjuntion with CMEasy. Hitting the TAB key will display the agenda files on your chosen drive. Agenda drive letter is selected on the next line underneath the AGENDA choice line. Select preferred Agenda View : CMEasy has to open and close your AGENDA application to carry out its funtions. If it ever has to close your agenda application say, to carry out a scan of your agenda file, then CMEasy will automatically re-open the application in your preferred view. Data files drive : Select the drive that you want CMEasy day to day data files to be stored on. Hit return and you will see the opening screen with empty data. If you hit MENU you will be presented with the following from left to right: EVENT ADD This is used to add events to the database. Adds an event to the database. A reference field of up to eight characters is asked for which will be unique to the event. The first letter from each word of the event title and type is usually a good method to use. i.e. "Monthly regional audit meeting, Audit" Ref : MRAMA Event : Monthly regional audit meeting Type : Audit SPECIAL USER Go into this if you wish to change any of the details you initially filled in at start-up. SPECIAL ADD/DELETE TYPE LIST You may wish to access this first of all before adding an event. This field is used to categorise the events into different sections at the report stage. Adding information to this data field will present a Picklist for you to choose from when you add/edit an event. SPECIAL PAGE 2 UDFG You may also wish to access this before you add an event. This feature enables you to add a second page of up to seven user defined fields. Fields can be set up as character, picklist or numeric. PROGRAMME ABOUT Detail of programme. PROGRAMME REGISTER Use to input the reg code if you have been kind enough to register. PROGRAMME EXIT Exits CMEasy. After you first add an event into the database, pressing menu again will allow access to extra menu facilities thus : EVENT ADD Described previously EVENT EDIT Will edit the event EVENT DELETE Will delete the event from the database SEARCH LOOK FOR EVENT Brings up a list of entries inthe Database. You can scroll through the list, using the UP, DOWN, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys etc. Hitting return will make the selected record current in the Database. Press menu key to select "Find" and "Jump to" facility. Esc returns to main screen. AGENDA INSERT EVENT INTO AGENDA Will insert the current record of the Database into AGENDA. AGENDA SCAN AGENDA FOR UNDEFINED EVENTS CMEasy will scan your AGENDA file and search for appointments starting with a "[" this indicates to CMEasy that it has found a CME event. CMEasy will cross reference the appointment data with the history file. If no match is found you are presented with a list of "Undefined" meetings. You can scroll through the list and simply press PSION+Y to indicate that the event was attended or PSION+N if the event was not. The list is then added to the history file. You can input "One-off" events into your AGENDA by starting the text of the appointment with reference enclosed in square brackets i.e. [ONEOFF] This was a one-off CME event. The WORD report would group one-off events under the heading of "Non-categorised" Type events. AGENDA AGENDA MACRO MODE Selection of this feature allows you to go into your AGENDA and move to a free available date. Press CONTROL+B and you will be presented with a list of your events. Select the event you wish to paste and hit Esc/Enter and the event will paste itself into your AGENDA application. The times have been left for manual input (a request from those of you with differing times of events). You could, if you wish, leave CMEasy in this mode and pressing CONTROL + B will bring your events to the forefront for you to choose from. To exit Macro Mode, go into CMEasy and simply hit the escape key. REPORT REPORT TO WORD Exports the CME history file to the WORD application. Report is categorised and time sub-totalled by CME "Type" with a grand total of time spent on CME events. Numeric fields are also sub-totalled with a grand total displyed at end of report. Report can be produced within a specified time window and for all meetings or just the current one. REPORT VIEW HISTORY Will show the selected years History of events, for all meetings or just the current one. History records can be added, edited and deleted by choosing from menu. Report to WORD can also be chosen. SPECIAL USER Described earlier. SPECIAL ADD/DELETE TYPE LIST Described earlier. SPECIAL PAGE 2 UDFG Described earlier. SPECIAL INDEX Sorts the database into alphabetical order. There are other menus allowing access to editing/report features throughout the CMEasy data screens (especially in the View History Screen) simply press the menu button. Existing Users ============== A utility is available on request (FOC) to convert old files from previous versions to work with new versions on request to save re-typing. Please indicate what version you are running at present and what version you are migrating to. Registration ========== Unregistered users are limited to 5 events in the data-base and no access to the report output. A registration code can be obtained by sending a cheque or postal order to the value of 15.00 (UKP) + VAT to USEFUL SOFTWARE 3 Greencliffe Avenue Baildon Shipley West Yorkshire BD17 5AF Please supply your name as it appears in the PSION's user field, together with your full address and I will send you a registration code to release the full features of the software. Disclaimer ========== The author of this software is not responsible for any damage due to use of this program. This software is provided without warranty of any kind.


pilowar.isoColl/CMEASY3.ZIP → CMEASY3.APP