PsiCode v1.2
About PsiCode
PsiCode is a UUencode/UUdecode utility for
the Psion 3a/3c.
UUencode/decode (UNIX-UNIX encode/decode)
is one of the 'industry standards' for
attaching files to e-mails, and is found in
all common e-mail programs.
UUencode/decode, also called UUcode, was
developed initially for UNIX machines,
where system administrators needed to send
files to each other via e-mail. The files
are 'UUencoded' by the sender, sent via e-
mail, and then 'UUdecoded' by the
PsiCode now brings you the flexibility of
UUencode to your Psion. You can easily
encode and attach files to an e-mail file
in one simple step.
PsiCode also lets you UUdecode and detach
files from any UUencoded e-mail you may
receive (after all, what good is encode
without decode?!), and removes the embedded
UUencoded data after a Detach to help save
precious Psion memory space. PsiCode can
also automatically launch Unzip (or PsiZip)
if the decoded file is a zip file.
If you use your Psion for e-mail, then a
UUencode/decode utility is a must!
Licence Agreement - IMPORTANT
Before using PsiCode, you must read and
agree with the terms of the accompanying
* Very fast. Main encode/decode functions
are written in C.
* Compatible with most existing UUencode
programs. Tested with UNIX UUencode/decode
(Sun release 4.1), UUlite for MAC, WinCode
v2.7.2g, WinZip v6.2, Netscape v3.0.
* Fully automatic decode. UUdecodes files
from any source (Psion, MS-DOS, UNIX, MAC),
and even decodes files encoded with the
older Psion UUcode program. Any invalid
Psion filenames (ie: from UNIX systems) are
automatically renamed.
* Launches any .APP or .OPA application
when a zip file is found. Can be used with
Unzip or PsiZip to streamline the unzipping
of files received by PsiCode.
* Finds up to 50 embedded UUencoded files
and allows individual files to be
* Ignores all UNIX directories and always
tries to recover the proper file name when
* User-selectable en- and decode filenames.
You are prompted to enter a new filename or
you can accept the proposed name.
* Attaches files to ReadCIS MAILxx.OUT
files, automatically UUencoding them in the
process. A great feature for sending files
with ReadCIS.
* Detaches files from ReadCIS *.CIS files
(ie: MAIL!.CIS), automatically removing the
embedded UUencoded data in the process. A
great feature for receiving files with
* Can append any two text files together,
regardless of file size.
* Selectable maximum encode line length.
* Selectable Psion/MS-DOS, UNIX or MAC
UUencode file types. Useful when you know
what platform the recipient has.
* Selectable removal of UUencoded data
after a successful Detach. Ensures that
precious Psion memory space is not wasted.
* All preferences and last directory
accessed are memorised between use.
* Psion-compliant menus and dialogs. Uses
standard hotkeys and menu layout for easy
intuitive usage.
* Context-sensitive online help (optional)
for all menus and dialogs.
* Small program size (only ~8 k).
Archive Contents
When you unpacked the archive you should
have found these files...
LICENCE.TXT User licence agreement
README.TXT This documentation file
PSICODE.OPA Main application file
PSICODE.DYL Library file
PSICODE.HLP Help file (optional)
PsiCode will install and run on the Psion
series 3a and 3c.
1. Create a new directory on any disk to
hold the PsiCode files - I recommend an
\APP\PSICODE\ directory.
2. Copy 'PSICODE.OPA' and 'PSICODE.DYL' to
the PsiCode directory.
3. If you want to install online help, copy
'PSICODE.HLP' to the PsiCode directory.
4. Install PsiCode from the System screen
with Psion-I or select "Apps | Install" (on
English Psions) from the menu.
Using PsiCode
File | Encode file
This will UUencode any file of any size.
You are prompted to enter a filename for
the UUencoded file. The initial directory
displayed is "\" and the prompted filename
for the UUencoded file is the same
disk/dir/filename as the source file but
with a .UUE extension.
File | Decode file
This searches through the chosen source
file for the first or all embedded
UUencoded files - up to 50 files can be
found. A dialog then appears allowing you
to select an individual file to decode. If
no embedded files are detected, the message
"No files found" appears. If a file
encountered during the search has an
invalid Psion filename then the file will
be renamed to BADNAME.xxx, (where xxx is a
number from 001 to 050, assigned
The preference "Search until" can select
whether the source file should be searched
through until either "All files found" (all
embedded UUencoded files are detected,
search goes right to the end of the source
file), or "First file found" in which case
PsiCode will stop searching as soon as an
embedded UUencoded file is detected.
You can also open a received zip file
automatically after it has been decoded.
First set the preference "Open zip file if
found" to "Yes" and select an application
to "Open zip file with". At the time of
writing, there are only two known
applications that can open zip files on a
Psion: Unzip, and PsiZip. However, the
Psicode sends a standard command-line
argument to the application file, and so it
should work with any application.
File | Append file
You can append any two text files of any
size together. The Append feature is
designed to allow you to append existing
UUencoded files to MAILxx.OUT files. If the
file selected is not a text file then a
"Wrong file type" error message is
Mail | Attach file
This can attach any file to a ReadCIS e-
mail file. The file to Attach is UUencoded
and appended to the selected MAILxx.OUT
NOTE: You do NOT need to first UUencode and
then Attach.
CompuServe will allow up to 2MB per e-mail,
so the only constraint with attaching a
file is the available memory space on your
NOTE: You can only attach to text files -
if you use Word to write your e-mails then
the resultant MAILxx.OUT file will be a
Word file. If you try to attach a file to a
Word file then PsiCode will show an error
message. Use ReadCIS to change the Word
file to Text and then try again.
NOTE: The attachment will increase the size
of the e-mail file by 1.33 * <source file
size>. If you do not have enough free
memory during the attachment process then
the Attach will fail, however the e-mail
file will not be damaged.
CAUTION: viewing or editing a MAILxx.OUT
file after you have attached a UUencoded
file to it *may* cause the UUencoded data
to be word-wrapped and thus corrupted (the
format of the data is crucial to be able to
UUdecode the file). Try not to edit/view
the MAILxx.OUT file after an Attach
Mail | Detach file
This is similar to "Decode file", but is
specifically designed to work with ReadCIS,
and allows you to easily select the
MAIL!.CIS file to Detach from.
If you choose to "Remove data after Detach"
then the embedded UUencoded data from the
mail file will be deleted after a
successful Detach. This reduces the size of
the e-mail file dramatically, and saves
precious Psion memory space. A note is
inserted into the e-mail file to remind you
where the embedded file was detached to.
The preference "File detection" and the
ability to open a zip file directly applies
exactly the same way as in Decode.
Using With ReadCIS
If a ReadCIS WRAP80.ON switch is set,
CompuServe will format mail messages
received by ReadCIS to a maximum line
length of 80 characters, which is fine for
PsiCode. However, if no WRAP80.ON switch is
set then ReadCIS instructs CompuServe to
format mail with a maximum line length of
40 characters, which can result in
corrupted UUencoded files due to CIS trying
to wrap lines whenever it encounters a
space character.
Selecting a UUencode maximum line length of
less than 40 characters helps to prevent
word-wrap from occurring when the e-mail is
received by a ReadCIS user.
Although PsiCode has been specifically
designed to prevent word-wrap problems, you
may receive UUencoded files generated by
other UUencode programs (such as UNIX,
WinCode or WinZip). To ensure that all
UUencoded files from all sources are
correctly received, you should permanently
set a WRAP80.ON switch.
Setting a UUencode maximum line length of
less than 40 characters will work with all
e-mail systems and all UUdecoders, and will
guarantee that CompuServe will not word-
wrap the UUencoded data. If you encounter
problems with file corruption, then set the
UUencode maximum line length to 37.
* Maximum number of text lines that can be
read when searching for embedded files =
32,767. If the lines average 80 characters
this results in a maximum file size of
32,767 * 80 = 2,621,360 bytes. Considering
Psion memory size this limitation should
not be a problem.
* Maximum detectable files when decoding =
50. This limitation is forced by the
dCHOICE maximum length of 255 characters.
The amount of filenames that can be
detected in practice is somewhat less as it
is dependent upon the total length of all
of the embedded filenames.
* Maximum CompuServe e-mail message size is
2MB (for text messages). Considering
typical file size and also memory storage
constraints of the Psion, this should never
be a problem.
Change history
v1.2 06 Dec 1996
* Added ability to remove embedded data
after a Detach. This removes the data from
the e-mail file only after the embedded
file has been successfully UUdecoded, thus
saving a lot of storage memory space on the
Psion, especially when the e-mail file will
be archived afterwards.
* Added ability to open an app if a zip
file is found. You can select any .OPA or
.APP app to launch, the app must accept the
'O' (open file) command line argument.
Needless to say, it works with Unzip.opa
v1.4 <g>.
* Added file checking to Append. Append
will only work on text files, and any non-
text file will now cause a "Wrong file
type" error.
* Added context-sensitive help, and updated
help file. The correct help screen
automatically appears when you press
<Help>. <Control + <Help> now works
* Changed Decode dialog so that uuencoded
files (*.UUE) automatically appear in the
file selector. You can always use <Tab> to
select any other file.
* Improved menu and dialog layouts
* Changed code so that it works correctly
with the 3c 'Files' app and also JBLaunch.
* Fixed 'String too long' and 'Record too
long' errors when decoding UUE files with
long lines of text inserted in the middle
of the UUE data.
* Reduced code size considerably by
rewriting a lot of the code and using some
new tricks learnt in Palmtop Issue 9. Great
little journal!!. Temporary files are now
no longer used, this results in large
memory savings.
* Less system memory used as DYL is now
only loaded when required, and unloaded
* Dramatically increased speed when seeking
the start of the UUencoded data after
having found all embedded files. It makes a
huge difference when dealing with large
MAIL!.CIS files.
* New icon courtesy of Fred Luck
[100675,3647]. Thanks Fred :-)
v1.1 05 Nov 1996
* DYL upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1 The new DYL
uses the grave-accent instead of a space
character to prevent word-wrapping by CIS,
JBCIS and Word.
v1.1 03 Nov 1996
* Fixed bug that caused an 'Invalid
arguments' error when decoding.
* Fixed bug that allowed the entry of an
empty filename in the decode/encode
confirmation dialog.
* Changed default UUencode 'Maximum line
length' to 36 characters, and corrected
documentation, as ReadCIS sets line length
to 40 characters (not 50) when no WRAP80.ON
switch is set.
* Added check of MAILxx.OUT file when
attaching. Attach is only allowed if the
MAILxx.OUT is a text file.
* Reduced OPA code size by 17 bytes through
optimising IF...ELSE...ENDIF code.
* Changed 'No begin line' error message to
'No files found' to make it easier for new
users to understand.
* Improved 'end' detection. Now both 'end'
and '`' will stop the decode, and any other
invalid line is ignored.
v1.0 28 Oct 1996
* Initial release.
To Do
* Handling of UUencoded files split across
multiple or single files, especially with.
ReadCIS and ftpmail.
* MIME (base64) format encode and decode
Jochen Siegenthaler
Zurich, Switzerland
06 Dec 1996
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